Do you like it Soft or Hard?

Judging by our attendance at 12 and 24 hour events I think most Rogainers like it soft. The NSW Organising Committee (of which I am a part) are wondering why relatively few people enter 12 or 24 hour events. I have a number of theories I would like to share: Sanity Only a person with […]
Avoiding the Lawrence of Arabia country

Posted on 10/04/2017 by Julian Ledger Congratulations to Steve Ryan course setter, Gill Fowler organiser and Anita Bickle admin, on the excellent Minigaine at Cronulla on Sunday. Exploring an area not so well known to many in very fair conditions was a great pleasure. The beaches, parks and views were all perfect. The dunes probably […]
Sand, sun, surf and more bloody sand!

Posted on 10/04/2017 by Chris Stevenson The Minigaine yesterday was an interesting event. As someone who comes to rogaining from a bushwalking rather than a running or orienteering background, I always look towards the minigaines with some trepidation. To do well in a minigaine you have to jog a reasonable portion of the event and […]
My wrap of the Australian Championships

Posted on 08/05/2017 by Chris Stevenson The Australian Championships were held over the weekend in an area near Bredbo, south of Canberra, and I thought I would write down a few things that piqued my interest from the event. Firstly, I must pay homage to David Baldwin and Julie Quinn who won the event and […]
The End of an Era

Posted on 08/05/2017 by Chris Stevenson It’s the end of an era. Welcome to the era of Teslin. Teslin, for those of you not up with the latest innovations in rogaining, is that “paper” on which we have started to print maps. Teslin is water proof and very strong. I used an unprotected Teslin map […]
“Karst Irony” – The Fun Rogaine

Posted on 21/05/2017 by Chris Stevenson Julian Ledger and I lined up for the 6 hour event yesterday. We were not keen for the 12 hour event, having competed in the 24 hour Australian Championship only a fortnight before. The “Karst Irony” event was quite a contrast to the National Championship. In the National Championship we […]
The Paddy Pallin Rogaine Mixed Teams Trophy

Posted on 14/06/2017 by Chris, for Trevor Gollan One feature of the Paddy Pallin Rogaine is its history. Paddy initiated the “Paddy Pallin Orienteering Contest” in 1964 to encourage people to enjoy the bush with minimal impact and to practice and improve their navigation skills. In 1988 it morphed into the Paddy Pallin Rogaine, organised […]

Posted on 19/06/2017 by Chris Stevenson “Never in the field of human competition was so many fences crossed by so few competitors” (Sorry Winston.) The 2017 Paddy Pallin event was held at Sydney University’s farm “Arthursleigh’ at Big Hill and I was quite looking forward to the event. Normally I prefer complex navigation, mountains and thick […]
My Wrap – Lake Macquarie 2017 6hr

Posted on 07/08/2017 by Chris Stevenson I confess I was a bit nervous when I read pre-event information which included the line “Gaiters or other leg coverings (full body cover recommended)”. I have done the Lake Macquarie event a few times over my last 23 years of rogaining and I have had my fair share of […]
10 reasons why you should compete in the 24 hour NSW Championship

Posted on 09/09/2017 by Chris Stevenson There are many reasons why you should compete in the 24 hour at the NSW Championship and here are some: 1. It is cheaper than the 8 hour eventBoth the 8 hour event and the 24 hour event costs $100 ($75 concession) and therefore the 24 hour event costs […]