My 100 not out!

The Autumngaine at Stroud (thanks to Mat Collin for all his hard work) was my 100th NSW Rogaine which is a bit of a milestone for me. If you add ACT events and ones I volunteered at, rather than competing, then perhaps the total is closer to 140, but that is nothing in comparison to […]

The Controversial Control Coverup

I am sure that many of you will have noticed, on the weekend, that the controls were covered with orange PVC pipe and there was not a steel cover in sight. There is a back story to this involving the type of punch used and the covers. It became clear many years ago that we […]

My Wrap of the Bantry Bay Leechgaine

Congratulations to Steve Ryan and other volunteers for putting on this very sucessful event. Steve set the course, made the map and also acted as the event co-ordinator. Three roles normally done by three different people and all completed with a very high degree of success. I suspect that, given more time, Steve may have […]

Children and Rogaining

– by Brett Davis Children have a special place in rogaining, especially in NSW – and they don’t even have to obey the rules like everyone else! The “Rules and Regulations” page of the New South Wales Rogaining Association (NSWRA) website states that “Rogaines in NSW conform to the Competition Rules and Technical Regulations laid […]

Beyond the first rogaine: how does one learn to love the sport?

Each year we have several first timers at our NSW rogaining events, but we fail to get many people returning, particularly to the longer, bush events further away. Why is this? It’s been much discussed at various times, with suggestions that the sport should adapt by offering GPS categories so as to not become obsolete […]

My Wrap – 30th Lake Macquarie

I was really looking forward to the Lake Macquarie rogaine. It felt like forever since the last Lake Macquarie rogaine, in fact the last Lake Macquarie rogaine was two years ago today. The organising team has had a rough time with Covid cancellations and then storm damage in the Watagans which saw the last two […]

Keelan’s Wrap – 30th Lake Macquarie

I thought i’d write some thoughts/analysis. It’s all ‘what-ifs’ of course but i think lessons can be learnt from post-race analysis. Most important was to have fun (which was achieved!!). I enjoyed having a different approached to route planning with my partner generally running 1min/km slower than i usually do. I also lead/naved 95% of it […]

Time to Lose Control?

By Brett Davis In rogaining, the terms “control” and “checkpoint” are pretty much interchangeable, with both used to describe those often elusive points on the map that we have to find. Orienteering began in the late 19th century, and was the first sport to use the term “control point”. In the early days, control points […]

Dinosaurs, Morse Code and Rogaining

Navigation Today Don’t get me wrong, I love rogaining, but I am starting to wonder if, like dinosaurs and Morse Code, rogaining might have had its glory days, unless we adapt. I am a keen bushwalker and I am partial to off track walking, so I used to rely heavily on my map and compass […]

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Rogainer: the Search for the Perfect Partner

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Rogainer: the Search for the Perfect Partner by Brett Davis Rogaining is a team sport, and most people seem to rogaine with the same partner or partners in every event they enter – like Quinn and Baldwin, Taib and Williams, Field and Dearnley … Ideally, you want your partner […]