Map memory

What is Map Memory? Map memory, as defined for use in rogaining and orienteering, is the ability to look at a map and commit the relevant portion of the map to memory, it is said that this is useful for finding the next control without having to continually refer to the physical map. This is […]

Catering at Rogaines – Why Bother?

We’ve all enjoyed the catering provided after a Rogaining event, maybe during a 24-hour one, and you might even have helped out in the kitchen at an event.  Have you participated in an event (particularly since COVID) where catering has not been provided? Food or no food at events! Does it matter to you either […]

Rogaining Makes Daytime TV

Studio 10 Rogaining Article

This was shot on the morning of Web 3rd Feb 2021 in Lindfield. This is a follow on from the recent feature on Rogaining in the Sydney Morning Herald on 16th Jan 16, 2021. Read SMH Article Here Tristan White and Sam Hussein Cooper and Kirsten Horley

Get Into Gear Part 8 – Food for Thought (Rogaining Nutrition)

The dietary choices for many rogainers during events are as obscure as the sport itself. With very few other sporting events involving up to 24 hours of activity, the traditional energy gels and chews, and protein shakes are not enough to get by, and rogaining tragics are forced to find other items to supplement these. […]