This year’s metrogaine will be held in an area (to my knowledge) never rogained before, although orienteers have previously used parts of the course. The course will feature Wianamatta Regional Park, as well as many other local parkland/bushland areas.
Wianamatta Regional Park is a former Defence Industries site, with old remnants of St Marys Munitions Filling Factory featuring in the course. The regional park also protects the part of what remains of the Cumberland Plain Woodland. Once widespread throughout the Sydney basin, now only 6% remains. This ecological community is listed as an Endangered Ecological Community under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.
ÂAlso don’t be surprised if you encounter local wildlife. The course setters have encountered countless kangaroos, kookaburras, galahs, black cockatoos, pelicans, swans, kingfishers as well as many other bird species and snakes. Although not seen on our course setting adventures, we have been advised the area might harbour emus and echidnas as well.
Compared to previous events, there will be less hills in the course, however if elevation is what you are looking for you will be able to find some in the western part of the course, from where you will be able to catch some great views of the lower blue mountains. From at urban environment point of view, the course will feature everything to newer developments in Jordan Springs, small pocket of semi-rural acreages, industrial sites and everything in between.
Majority of the controls will be set in parks, walkways and bushland, with only a handful of controls being set on the street (although travelling on streets WILL be required to get between the controls). Being a METROgaine, don’t expect any long distance off track bashes or long distances following bearings (but still bring a compass, will come in handy…)