What is your age in years?
What is your preferred event duration?
Have you ever rogained at night?
Do your prefer bush or city based rogaines?
How far will you travel for a rogaine?
What is most likely to deter you from entering an event? (You can select multiple responses.)
How do you usually learn about rogaining events? (You can select multiple responses)
Based on you experiences are our rogaining events too hard?
Please consider the terrain and bush. Not the event duration (rogaining is an endurance sport).
Too easy
Too hard
Do you know there is a partner finding page on the website?
How would you rate catering at the last event you attended?
Not so Good
Please bear in mind that we are often catering in difficult places without access to any basic services and often for the the first time in that location.
The price of rogaines in NSW is:
What social media do you use? (You can select multiple responses).
Have you volunteered at an event? (You can select multiple responses)
If you have volunteered for an event, how would you rate your experience?
Not so good
Would you prefer to volunteer occasionally or pay extra and not volunteer?
Our average 6 hour event run using volunteer resources costs approximately \$60.
A professionally organised event is likely to cost around \$150.
Have you done any structured, rogaining related training? (You can select multiple responses)
Would you be interested in attending a training course if it was offered in any of these disciplines, or anything else. If so, what type of training would you like. (You can select multiple responses)
What would be your preferred length of training?