The Start Time for the Paddy Pallin Rogaine

There has been debate around the starting time for the Paddy Pallin event. The Paddy Pallin rogaine is usually held close to the shortest day of the year. Three options are being being discussed. Should the Paddy Pallin event start at 9:00am, 9:30am or 10:00am?  The timings below use the approximate travel time to Currambene as an example.

We would be interested in your thoughts.

The case for a 9:00am start.

The advantage of the 9:00am start is finishing at 3am. Which means that:

  • Presentations and packup can be completed in the light and relative warmth.
  • If a post event search or rescue of a team is required this can also start in the daylight.

Probable timing would be:

  • 3pm finish
  • 4pm Food and Presentations finished
  • 5pm Admin and catering packup and leave.  Any search for a missing team can be started.

The case against the 9am start.

The case against the 9am start, is the time that competitiors need to leave Sydney (assuming you do not camp).
Assuming 1:30 of prep time then:

  • 4:45 am approx Sydney departure
  • 7:30am arrive at event
  • 9:00am start
What time should the Paddy Pallin rogaine start?