Them’s the Rules

Posted on 12/12/2016 by Chris At the most recent meeting of the NSW Rogaining Association Committee the issue of mis-punching electronic controls was discussed. By default the event software we use “RogaineScore” records the lowest score recorded by a team member so any mis-punches lower the entire team’s score. In the past we have been fairly generous in […]
A Few Good Men (Team 97) and a lot of rain

Chris Stevenson The 2016 Paddy Pallin did not disappoint. The Bureau of Meteorology delivered the expected amount of rain. It rained 27.8mm during the 6 hours of the event. Looking around at the start there seemed to be three takes on how to dress for the weather: My team mates and I opted for option […]
Lane Cove River – 21 Years Later

Posted on 28/02/2016 by Chris Stevenson My wife, Dianne, and I competed in the Lane Cover river 6 hour event in 1995 and yesterday I fronted up for another go. What has changed? My wife, now with 2 children and dodgy knees, is not really up for a 6 hr rogaine, so I had a […]
My Blind Date with Danny

Posted on 23/05/2016 by Chris Stevenson The Autumngaine at Tarlo river found me partnerless, so I tried our partner finding service. I first tried hooking up with Mal. Mal subsequently jilted me, preferring instead to recover from the flu, which he contracted after agreeing to partner, so I went back to the partner finding services […]
Snogaine – 7th August
Posted on 24/06/2016 by Andy Simpson After a bit of arm twisting by some ACT rogainers the NSW Ski-orienteering event at Perisher on 7th August will include a 2 hour “Snogaine”, mass start at noon. More details at: Hope to see some of you there.
NavShield 2016 – Crappy Maps and Big Country

Posted on 10/07/2016 by Chris Stevenson I have been rogaining more than 20 years, but I have never tried a NavShield until now. Julian, my regular rogaining partner suggested we “have a go” at this year’s event. For those of you who are not familiar with the NavShield its purpose is to train emergency services […]
Elevated to a new level of competition, but with a degree of indirection…

Posted on 31/07/2016 by Chris, for Tristan White World Rogaining Championships, July 23-24, 2016, East McDonnell Ranges, Alice Springs, NT Team 211 (Male Youth): Tristan White & Mitchell Lindbeck Score: 2420/6190 Result: 3rd in MY, 47/299 overall Few people would have guessed that when my adventurous neighbour (Martin Dearnley) brought up the concept of us entering this event […]
25 Year Legends – The Organisers of the Lake Macquarie Rogaine
This is an expanded version of the tribute I gave at the 6-hour presentation of the 25th Lake Macquarie Rogaine on behalf of President, Gill Fowler, to recognize the extraordinary contribution made by two rogaine stalwarts – Bert Van Netten and Bob Gilbert. It was in September 1992 that Bert gained support from Lake Macquarie […]
The importance of a good first aid kit

[Due to a server failure in Aug-2019 we have restored this historic post] Posted on 2/09/2016 by Catherine Wood Ok so story goes……. We had a really good start and were tracking well. It got dark and we were tracking directly from 41 to 34 up a creek bed. No rocks had been slippery or […]
The Perfect Event

Posted on 10/09/2016 by Chris Stevenson I am quite excited about the forthcoming NSW champs. I was wondering why I am excited and I reckon that the NSW Champs might be close to a perfect event. This led me to thinking what, for me, constitutes the perfect event. Here are my thoughts, feel free to add […]