
  • This will be a State of Origin battle between NSW and QLD
  • Easily reached between Sydney and Brisbane.
  • Event starts on Saturday with Friday (ANZAC day) being a public holiday
  • Free camping is available on Friday and Saturday night at the event hub
  • For both 6 hour and 12 hour, map handout 8:00am, walk to event start (500m) 10:30am, briefing 10:45am, start 11:00am
  • The area has never been rogained before but almost all controls have been set off track. 
  • There is also a large track network containing a mix of forestry tracks and singletracks tracks formed by motorbike
  • Highlights of the area includes lovely rainforest lined creek lines, a few waterfalls, old mining relics and lookouts
  • The forest contains a mix of Dry Blackbutt, Tallowood, Flooded Gum, Brush Box and some old Forestry Plantations
  • Most of the area has previously been logged by Forestry resulting in areas of lantana, and other spikey plants. 
  • The map contains a lot of thick vegetation but we have tried to avoid this as much as possible. Full cover top and bottom is strongly recommended.
  • The area is likely to be part of the new Great Koala National Park
  • There will be an All Night Cafe set up at a lookout, approximately halfway through the course

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