“The North Shore in a New Light”
2023 Night Rogaine, Upper Lane Cove Valley

South Turramurra - Saturday, 29 July 2023


5 and 3 hr Rogaine


Saturday 29th July 2023


South Turrumurra

How Much:

Adult: $45    Concession: $32   Child <14 free

Entries Close:

00 Days
00 Hours
00 Minutes
00 Seconds
Too late, entries have closed


Have you wanted to give night rogaining a go but not yet been up to enter a 12 or 24hr rogaine? Or plonk yourself in the middle of the bush with no civilization within 50km?

The night rogaine was introduced to the NSWRA calendar in 2019 to ease into nighttime navigation by having an event that combined streets and bushland and wasn’t too long or far away from Sydney metropolitan area.,

Owing to some issues obtaining approval to access some of the land, we have had to make some last minute changes to the Hash House and course area, and now this year’s event will include 5- and 3-hour options and will have its Hash House at West Pymble Scout Hall, situated in Bicentennial Park (not Sydney Olympic Park!). The course will comprise the abundant nearby pockets of bushland, including Blackbutt Reserve, Sheldon Forest, Bradley Reserve, Twin Creeks Reserve and Coups Creek which have an abundance of tracks and watercourses winding through them, and may have a few creative twists to it to add additional planning challenges to it.

The area was last used in the 2015 Metrogaine, but with the Hash House on the opposite site of the map in Pennant Hills, some updates to the tracks in the years since, of course, being in the dark will make it an entirely different event for those who can even remember back that far! Now you can see some of Sydney’s classic bushland and parks in, literally, a completely new light*.

The course is being set to ensure that there will be plenty of checkpoints near the start for novices and casual entrants, but a physical, navigational and route-planning challenge for anyone trying to fish for a high score.

Maps (A3, 1:15,000 scale, 10m contours) will be available from 3pm .

  • 5hr start is 17:00; 3hr start is 17:30,
  • 3hr finish is 20:30 and presentations ~21:00
  • 5hr finish is 22:00 and presentations ~22:30

Stick around at the end for a warm meal supplied by our catering team (Chris & Dianne Stevenson) to compare your route and stories of what we hope to be a very enjoyable event for rogainers of all levels.

We are currently fishing for a few more volunteers either before, during or after the event. If you would like to contribute to helping keep our events running, please message Robin Cameron at volunteer@nswrogaining.org.

*Or old one, depending on the age of your headtorch!

Event related queries can be directed to: admin@nswrogaining.org

Partner Finder

Full Name Contact Deails Age Sex Level of Ability (1-10) Anything else you wish to add Submission Date