Animated Compass

2024 Navigation Workshop

Weekend15 &16th June 2024

(the weekend of the 6hr Paddy Pallin)

Rydal (near Lithgow)

Cost $140 Concession $100

Under 14 free. Cost includes entry to the Paddy Pallin rogaine on Sunday.

9:30 am arrival for a 10:00 am start

Entries Closed - We are full



NSW Rogaining are, for the first time since 2018, running a Navigation Workshop. This workshop is open to all current and future rogainers, including our friends from other states and territories. Even the best of us can sharpen our skills. Everyone will benefit from the expert advice and a chance to practise skills outside of the heat of competition.

If you are keen to improve your off track navigation skills and your skills navigating at night then this is the place to be in June.

The Paddy Pallin 6hr on the Sunday (also at Rydal) will be the last coaching exercise, read the FAQs for more info.

Come along, make some new friends, and join some of our experienced rogainers, who are volunteering to share their knowledge and help you brush up on your navigation skills over two days.

Read our Webmaster’s, hopefully entertaining, article about night navigation here…

You can also read the blog post about our last navigation workshop  here…

10:301st navigation exercise
14:00Workshop session – route planning/maps – preparing for a rogaine
19:302nd navigation exercise (2 hrs – night)
8:00Early access to Paddy Pallin Map / briefing with Coach
10:006 hr Paddy Pallin Rogaine  – Coaches will be on hand to accompany some teams, if requested. (You don’t need to compete for the full 6 hours.)
16:00Rogaine Finish – De-brief,  food and presentations. (Food will be available early if you do not want to compete for the full 6 hours.)
17:00Home time

The weekend will be based of Rydal Showground. We will be using the open forest of Lidsdale and Falnash which are perfect for honing your navigation, without climbing any major hills.

Camping will be available on Friday and Saturday night, and we will provide food from Saturday lunch through to the completion of the Paddy Pallin 6hr.

Who is this for?

Everyone who wants to improve their navigation skills is welcome. Subject to interest, we will run classes for the following skill levels:

  • Experienced
  • Limited experience
  • New to bush navigation
  • Under 18 (Under 18s can also join the other skills groups if suitable).

We will have the country’ best rogainers on hand volunteering their time to help you improve your skills.

What skills will be covered?

We will cover the following skills (depending on current skill level)

  • Basic compass use
  • Understanding a map
  • Route planning
  • Night navigation
  • What to take on a rogaine

Elite rogainers will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.


Yes. A compass such as:

  • Suunto A30
  • Silva Ranger

A largish baseplate is useful. Most rogainers find a thumb compass too inaccurate for rogaining. Also, please note that you need a compass that is weighted for Australia or the Southern Hemisphere.

If a north hemisphere compass is used in the southern hemisphere, the south pointing end of its needle would dip a lot more, since that is the weighted end and the field lines dip toward the south. The needle would likely drag on the base of the compass making your bearings less accurate.

If you forget yours we will have a few spare on hand just in case.

Your entry fee to the Navigation Workshop includes, a heavily discounted, entry into the Paddy Pallin 6hr rogaine.

It is assumed all workshop participants will compete in the Paddy Pallin rogaine as their final navigation exercise.  You may do the Paddy Pallin 6hr with a coach as your final coaching exercise, or you may arrange your own team and enter as you would any other event.

For those of you doing it as a coaching exercise you are not expected to do the full six hours, unless you want to.

Absolutely. Scout and Girl Guide troops are very welcome. If you need to discuss logistics (or a bulk entry fee) you can email the organiser, Chris, at

You do not need to have any experience in navigation to join the workshop, we will teach you everything you need to know. Hopefully, you intend to do a rogaine some time in the future, but this is also optional.

We will have Australia’s best rogainers on hand to teach experienced rogainers and orienteers. There is  information about course setting, night navigation, what to pack and other advanced rogaining skills. Even a very experienced rogainer will benefit.

You may camp Friday night for an extra fee, which you select when you enter. A fee to camp Saturday night is included in your entry fees. If you decide to stay in a hotel or camp somewhere else on Saturday night this part of the fee is not refundable.

If you want  Saturday morning breakfast, it is charged separately and you will need to select this when doing your entry form. As part of your entry the following meals are included:

  • Saturday lunch
  • Saturday dinner
  • Sunday breakfast
  • Sunday lunch (which will probably be available towards the end of the rogaine, approx 1:30pm.)

You should bring your own food to eat during the rogaine, such as, protein bars, muesli bars, nuts or fruit are all good.

You can find some tips on rogaining food here:

When you complete the entry form you have the opportunity to list dietary requirements and we will accommodate them (within reason).

Yes.  You can send your children unaccompanied if they are over 14. If they are under 14 you will need to accompany them, but not necessarily participate in the workshop (unless you want to).

Sure. If you want to be in the same coaching group as your friends, that is fine. Although this works best if the group is at a similar skill level.

Most rogaining events, including the navigation workshop, have their prices set at a point to recover costs and no more. The Paddy Pallin event, due to its large numbers, typically makes a surplus, where as the 24 hours events often make a small loss, which is offset by the Paddy Pallin event surplus. Please note that all the coaches and other people supporting the workshop are volunteering their time free of charge. 

If you have any questions please get in contact with Chris at or 0450 748 681