Posted on 06/11/2017 by Chris Stevenson
Finally, a small puzzle… Dave Williams nominated as his favourite place on the course, “the dramatic knife-edge spur above 92 on the way from 70. We timed it perfectly with great views east just before sunset.”

Here is a great example of the difficult country that the top teams encountered on the eastern side of the course. Which route would you choose between 70 and 92?
a) 50m climb SE to top of mountain, 80m descent S to the knife-edge ridge, 200m descent SSW to Devils Creek & 50m climb to the flag, or
b) Contour around the first summit to the knife-edge ridge, avoiding the 50m climb & descent, or you might
c) Contour SW from 70 to that contour with “1000” on it, take the 150m descent S on the spur, past the “E” in Devils, down the creek to the junction N of 92, or
d) Is there a better alternate option?, or better still
e) Avoid that area altogether
2 Responses to Trev’s Puzzle
- Chris Stevenson 06/11/201 at 1:32 pm says:
I was injured and didn’t compete in “Gone W’rong”, but I did flag collecting on the NW of the course after the event. I collected 48 and 70 with flag collecting buddy, John Clancy, but fortunately we ran out of time (and enthusiasm) to get 92 and 60.
The traverse from 70 to 92 looks arduous. Lots of contours up, down and then up all quite close together (meaning steep terrain). If John and I had more time we were planning to go from 70 to 90 by method a) as described by Trev, since contouring would have been slow and difficult in the steeper parts.
If I was competing I would have avoided the area entirely. You would have to be close to clearing the course to contemplate a traverse from 70 to 92 since there were much easier controls on offer.
Generally, I do not like people who complain about umpiring decisions in sport and perhaps the rogaining equivalent is questioning the course-setter’s sanity when you see the location of some of the controls. I think the 70 to 92 traverse is one of those times when it is okay to question the course-setter’s sanity (and parentage), but I guess controls like these are for the elite teams who are the only ones that could manage to find enjoyment in what I would regard as an avoidable masochistic slog.
Four teams went 70-92 with a median time of 48 mins and 04 secs. Two teams went from 92-70 with a median time of 40 mins and 17 secs. All control splits can be found here:
- Andrew Duerden 07/11/2017 at 9:57 pm says:
When I was out course setting I had planned to go 70 to 92 using Trev’s option b. I ran out of time and only did 60 and 48 in that area. I believe I would have planned on option b but would take into consideration option c if creeks in vicinity proved to be easy to traverse. The ridges were more clear than the gullies so it may have been a slog up.