[Due to a server failure in Aug-2019 we have restored this historic post]
Posted on 2/09/2016 by Catherine Wood
Ok so story goes…….
- We had a really good start and were tracking well.
- It got dark and we were tracking directly from 41 to 34 up a creek bed.
- No rocks had been slippery or showed signs of any slip at all to be honest.
- Malcolm was in front and just stepped from one rock to a bigger boulder-type rock and slipped and fell heavily.
- I went to help and knew immediately that he had quite a head wound.
- He never lost consciousness but was dazed, I had to drag him out backwards from the water and after some time encouraged him to sit down (after he noticed the blood streaming down his face, that helped !)
Out comes the first aid kit. What was missing from ours was some padding or gauze to place pressure on the wound, we had everything else. We also had a mouldy bandage but it did the trick, (note to self) must check first-aid contents prior to next adventure but as far as the padding/ gauze went I needed some. I could have made do with what I had but noticed another bunch of rogainers following. They assisted with the contents of their first aid kit and had gauze which was perfect. Applied that plus a bandage and the Ay Ups also provided extra pressure to help stem the blood.
I then proceeded to gather Malcolm’s glasses out of the bottom of the creek with the assistance of the guy (sorry forgot his name) from the other group. He held me by the shorts whilst I dug around in the water to retrieve firstly the frames and then each lens…
(Editor – I believe the team that helped was team 63 “Wild Rogue Women Rogainers”).
This lovely group decided to stay with us just to make sure Mal was ok. We then set off in search of checkpoint 34 and on our way out we figured after a short time that it was harder to trek up the creek and that Mal and I should find the shortest way to the road so we could head back to Tea & Damper and then the road home.
So we parted company and headed to the road, only to meet up shortly after with our original helpers and we all tracked to T & D together.

From there we headed back to the Hash House after giving my lights to the Team of four who helped us out, as it became obvious they were going to run out of headtorch light way before midnight and Mal and I figured that we only needed one set to get home with, but we had to get checkpoint 11 and 13 on the way back ….. ? not that far off track really.
Then back to base, in the car, decided that since it was Saturday night and we would be up against drugs and alcohol issues at most hospitals we would opt for a small one and try our luck so as not to get stuck in casualty all night. Wyong was perfect, straight in, Drs were great, an hour later we left with 13 stitches in place and headed back to the Blue Mountains.
Great day out really!
We will next time however take padding/gauze in our first aid kit ?
Thanks, Catherine