– by Brett Davis
Children have a special place in rogaining, especially in NSW – and they don’t even have to obey the rules like everyone else!
The “Rules and Regulations” page of the New South Wales Rogaining Association (NSWRA) website states that “Rogaines in NSW conform to the Competition Rules and Technical Regulations laid down by the Australian Rogaining Association” (ARA) – but the ARA rules don’t actually contain any references to the terms “families” or “children”!
There is no minimum age for a rogainer mentioned anywhere in the rules. Rule 2 states “A team that has a member under fourteen years of age shall also have a member eighteen years of age or over” and Technical Standard T17 states that for the Open age category of competition there is “no age restriction” – so babies, infants and children of any age are apparently okay.

Because there is nothing in the ARA rules about children, the NSWRA makes things perfectly clear about its attitude to children on its “Who Can Participate?” page where it states that “Children are welcome on Rogaines” – and they don’t even have to pay an entry fee as the “Entry Fee Scales” page states that “children under 14 years of age are given free entry“!
In fact, on the “Competition Categories” page under “Family Category”, it says that if you want to compete in the Family category then one team member must be a child!
Rogaining associations have long histories of highlighting the participation of children in rogaines. The August 1988 edition of the NSWRA newsletter mentioned a mixed team made up of David, Debbie and Amy Sledge and asked whether “Amy at 5 years might be our youngest rogainer?“

Issue 100 of the NSWRA newsletter in November 2003 had an article called “My Favourite memories of Rogaining” by Marnie Holmes, which included “other bright memories of rogaining … carrying a 3 month old baby around Mullo’s Walks Socialgaine (1999); breastfeeding a 6 month old baby around the Metrogaine earlier this year …”
In 2004 Mike Hotchkis wrote the following in his President’s Report in newsletter 105 – “Welcome to our youngest association member, Alexander Edward Batten. And congratulations to the proud parents, Bronwyn and Paul. Alexander was born on 13th September. Paul and Bronwyn organised this year’s Metrogaine. Bronwyn served on the committee until earlier this year, and Paul is currently the NSWRA archivist.“
On the NSWRA website in the organiser’s report for the November 2012 Blisters for Vistas Socialgaine, Martin Dearnley states “Prizes were awarded for category winners and others with special achievements such as the largest blister, or the youngest walking child to score more than 100 points.” The use of the term “walking” is significant – read on!
The South Australian Rogaining Association (SARA) presented “Lunartic Awards for 2015”, one of which was called the “You’re Never Too Young to Rogaine” award which went to Carrie Warren-Smith who participated in the 2014 “Trains, Tees and Tides” 3hr Minigaine. It was noted that Carrie “was only 13 days old when she competed in last year’s Minigaine with her parents, thus becoming SARA’s youngest ever rogainer.“
In the description published prior to the 2017 Huntergaine 6 hour event in NSW, it stated “If you have little kids, perhaps bring both a pram and a baby carrier and decide on the day which to use.”

So what rules don’t apply to children?
Rule 9 of the Rules of Rogaining and Technical Regulations (2022) apparently doesn’t apply to children, even though the Preamble to the Rules states that Rule 9 (and others) is “fundamental to the continued survival of the sport” and “participants who contravene these rules may be banned from future rogaines.“
And what does Rule 9 say? Well, Rule 9 says “Competitors shall travel only on foot“. This rule should obviously eliminate the use of prams and strollers, and it also precludes children being held or carried in a backpack, sling or baby carrier. The rule effectively bans babies and toddlers from all rogaines!
However, given all the quotes above, and all of the images displayed on this page, it is evident that Rule 9 is not being enforced for babies and toddlers. Rogaine organizers are either unaware of the rule, or special rules are created for some rogaines, or maybe it is just conveniently ignored!
Of course, the Preamble to the Rules of Rogaining (2022) states “State Associations may adjust the technical regulations for specific minor (ie non-championship) events, where they consider this appropriate, by decision of their association management committee. They may also adjust the technical regulations for a specific state championship event where there are compelling reasons to do so.“
Just as the Preamble could allow state associations to introduce solo rogaining in all rogaines if they want, it also gives them the right to allow children to be carried or pushed around a rogaining course in a stroller.
Do I have a problem with allowing kids in rogaines – even if they are carried or pushed in a stroller? Not at all – in fact I would like the status quo to be maintained, but maybe the ARA rules could be changed to allow babies and toddlers to compete legally in the future.
Some of you may know me as the crazy guy who wants solo rogaining allowed in all NSWRA events – see www.solorogaining.org. The NSWRA has banned solo rogaining in long events because rogaining is a “social” sport, although it doesn’t seem to have any trouble ignoring the “social” side of things when solo rogaining is allowed in shorter events. I have always believed that the NSWRA is more concerned about my safety than my anti-social support of solo rogaining!
However, although I am not allowed to compete solo in a 24 hour event, the NSWRA apparently has absolutely no problem at all with allowing me to compete in a 24 hour event with a baby on my back (or front). This is obviously much safer, and much more social!

In 2023 there are two 24 hours event scheduled for NSW and the ACT – the ACT Championships on the 15th and 16th of April, and the combined NSW and Australian Championships on the weekend of September 30th and October 1st. At the moment I don’t have a partner organised for either of these events, and given my history (see https://nswrogaining.org/the-loneliness-of-the-long-distance-rogainer-the-search-for-the-perfect-partner/) it is unlikely that I will find anyone for those two events as usual …
So, will anyone have a baby that they would be able to lend me on those two weekends? Or perhaps we could work out some kind of rental? Preference will be given to very small, very light babies who sleep a lot and don’t eat much! And it would be a real bonus if they could navigate! 😊
You state that “The NSWRA has banned solo rogaining in long events because rogaining is a “social” sport”. The reason why we only allow solo rogaining in short events is for safety. As the event duration increases the area needed to search for a missing rogainer expands exponentially. In a long solo event, things such as snake bites, broken ankles or getting stuck on a ledge could quickly turn life threatening.
Extract from NSWRA President Trevor Gollan’s email to members just before Xmas in 2018 –
“Finally, I want to thank Brett Davis for initiating the discussion about solo rogaining. It’s raised interesting conversations and opinions this year, including review at the last two committee meetings, where we decided:- Not to have solo entry if the rogaine is longer than three hours.
“Our logic? The Team is an essential part of this sport, for social and safety purposes. It differentiates rogaining from other similar activities, such as orienteering & ultra-marathons. Yes, some people will be excluded if they can’t find a compatible team, or they may have negative experiences in a team that deters them from returning, and the safety components can be overcome.
“We feel that the spirit of our sport involves team dynamics, and we leave those alternate, equally viable, distance-bush sports where the loners/individuals can push themselves.”
Even it the reason why the NSWRA only allows solo rogaining in short events is for safety, if solo rogainers had to carry a PLB, then help could be called immediately for things such as snake bites, broken ankles or getting stuck on a ledge. Waiting for a team-mate to get help could take much longer …
Join the Committee or organise your own event if you are not happy with the status quo.
I have noticed that one of your replies to my blog is now missing, but my response to that reply remains. This must have been a mistake or a glitch, because editing / deleting responses would be rather unethical, don’t you think?
Brett, I presume this comment is aimed at me.
I have not unpublished or deleted anything, but I am not sure to which comment you are referring.
There are no clitches or things that are not working either.
You have my email adress if you want to pursue this conversation further.
Apologies. I thought there might have been a problem with the website, but I’m pretty sure the error was totally mine when alternating viewing the website via my computer and a new and unfamiliar Google phone that works quite differently to my old Samsung.
I bought my 2 month-old grandson a compass for Xmas and am using every baby-sitting opportunity to train him up.
But, he is s not available for loan or rent – he’s all mine!
Seriously though folks, I’m in favour of extending the possibilities for solo-rogaining, at least to 6-hour events. It’s just not that easy to find a compatible partner! Now that advanced osteoarthritis has slowed me down to a snail’s pace, both my regular partner (husband) and I are without suitable team-mates. Lately we have gotten our rogaining fix by putting out and/or collecting controls.
While I would not attempt a 24-hour event solo, I would readily attempt a 6-hour, or even a 12-hour, metrogaine or bushland event solo, if it was in a track-based setting as many of the Sydney events are. I know my limits and capabilities. Otherwise my rogaining outlook is bleak.
Yes Colleen, it’s a pity that the NSWRA doesn’t allow solo rogaining in events longer than 3 hours, especially given that they have 16 rogaines listed on their MapRun page, with more than half of them being 5 hour and 6 hour rogaines. Does anyone else find it strange that the NSWRA encourages us to do 6 hour MapRun rogaines – which can be done solo, without anyone knowing that we are out on the course, and with no guarantees that we are carrying safety equipment like whistles and snake bandages – yet they don’t allow us to do the actual rogaines solo in the first place? Do they realize that this is a real double standard! I wonder how many others there are like us who can’t compete in rogaines because we can’t find partners – and don’t want to join the NSWRA committee or organize our own events … ?
Absolutely love rogaining in a team but i think the Metrogaine could at least be done solo. I don’t think in terms of safety it is much more risky than the Minigaine, and I say that from the perspective of the trail running race director.
I think an event by event rule on solo rogaining (as current) is appropriate but would love the consideration of 6hr urban events as being done solo.
Perhaps the committee could consider the Metrogaine in 2023 or 2024 being trialled with a solo category?
This doesn’t mean all 6hrs have a solo category and each event should be considered based on its risks anyways. Competitors probs don’t need a PLB for a 6hr urban event like a Metrogaine….
I love the discussion above. I wonder if there could be some sort of experience requirement? Personally I am quite experienced and I happily would take my daughter on a short rogaine – but for a more remote one I would want to have another adult in the team. Sometimes my daughter goes in it with her dad and so far I have managed to find someone with experience to join the team – because while he is full of enthusiasm, I want to see my daughter again :). Still maybe it would be better if the requirement for experience came from the rogaining side – to save me looking like I am the over anxious one :). But really it can probably be self managed as it has been. Maybe not rules as such, but guidelines for rogaining with kids. eg have an emergency contact that can call on if needed, stay on track if learning. Keep within xkm of the start. if lost stay still at nearest track junction if possible – maybe that sort of thing?
It is difficult for us to manage competitor’s competence and safety in the bush. At the end of the day, common sense needs to prevail. Is it okay to enter a long event, in remote bush, with a child who is unable to contribute to the team’s rescue? Not really in my book, although our rules do not specifically exclude that scenario. Having said that, even a young child should be capable of finding their mandatory whistle and use it to attract help. Our rules do stipulate that roaginers must abandon their course (R32) to provide assistance when they hear a distress signal.
It is also very difficult for us to judge team or individual experience, as even very experienced rogainers are often sometimes beaten by novice teams, who have acquired their navigation skills outside of rogaining. The Victorian Rogaining Asscoation booklet entitled “Which Way is North” has a good section on what to do when lost and what to do when injured (link below).