MapRun6/7 - The Search for Skippy

Original event date Sunday 20th November 2022
Duration 6 hours
GPS Tolerance 15m
Changes from the original event: • The HH location is now on the street outside the school.
Maprun Updates: 14/07/2023
• Updated location of HH (closer to School Gate) and some control locations to enable more reliable punching
• Late penalty is now 10pts per minute as per NSWRA Standard
Start Location You can Start at any control. If you do, you must finish at the same control. The original HH was at the  Alexander primary school in Duffy’s Forest. This is still a good place to start.
Links Google Maps Link to HH Map and Event Files Original Event
MapRun6 Link Scan or tap the QR code below to run the event directly on MapRun6
The HH is located on the footpath outside the Alexander Primary School