Final results 2 are here ...

Event photos are here ...

You can also add comments, but please nothing inappropriate.

You can do a post event survey here ...

I will post a copy of the survey results when available.

Download Google Earth file here ...

If you open the downloaded kml file it with Google Earth you can visualise team routes and analyse the route choices of your fellow competitors.

There was a lot of route choice on offer that extra 10% might be found by smarter route choice, not running harder.

Use RouteGadget here ...

Many of the orienteering folk will be very familiar with RouteGadget. It allows you to compare multiple teams and their progress during the day sped up. You can also upload your own GPX file for those who carried a GPS device.

One problem is that the punch clock for control 81 had failed so that is excluded from the routes.

If you have never added a GPS route in RouteGadget before there is an instructional video here ...

Submit a blog post here ...

Feel free to submit a blog post about your experience yesterday or about rogaining in general

Click here ... to see a current team list.

Click here ... for final instructions.


What better way to kick off the 2017 rogaining year than by entering the “LaneCoveRivergaine3” on Saturday 25 February 2017 (start @ 10am). This 6 Hour Metrogaine completes the trilogy of LaneCoveRivergaines - 1 & 2 were held in February 2015 & 2016.

In 2015 we started from the source of the Lane Cove River in Pennant Hills and travelled south to De Burghs Bridge at West Pymble. In 2016 we continued the journey down the river from De Burghs Bridge to Stringybark Creek in Lane Cove.

And in 2017 we complete the journey from Stringybark Creek to Fig Tree Bridge and Sydney Harbour.

Again we will be using the highly detailed STEP map and again John Martyn, the map’s cartographer and noted naturalist, has assisted Ted Woodley set a course that encompasses the most scenic and interesting features of the river catchment.

STEP is a community-based environmental organisation with over 400 members from Ku-ring-gai, Hornsby and surrounding suburbs of northern Sydney. Its primary aim is to preserve all natural bushland within the area from alienation and degradation.

If you want to read up about the Lane Cove River Catchment get a copy of the “Field Guide to the Bushland of the Lane Cove Valley” and a copy of the Lane Cove Valley map, on which the rogaine has been based – the map has recently been updated. Both documents are available from

The Hash House (start & finish) will be at Blackman Park, Lane Cove West.

Need a partner for this event?  Try our  Partner Finding Service .

Need a lift or like to have someone share the travel costs?  Try our Carpooling Service

For general information about this event, contact  ...

Ted Woodley
0419 663 539

For entry or results related matters contact ...

Vivien de Remy de Courcelles

Wahroonga Rocks

Who can enter?

Like all NSWRA rogaines, anyone can enter within a team of 2 and 5 people. If you are under 14 years of age on the day of the event there must be an adult in your team.

By entering this event you become a member of NSW Rogaining Association unless you are already a member of another state rogaining association. Your NSWRA membership will last for 12 months from the date of this event.

Competition Categories

This event offers the normal age/gender based categories plus a "Novice" and a "Family" category.   See Competition Categories for more details.

Entry Fees

Full $45
Concession $32
Child < 14 years Free

The Concession rate applies for ..

  • Anyone between 14 and 22 years of age
  • Full time students
  • Unemployed
  • Pensioners

Our refund policy is here.