NSW Rogaining Association

"Your Guide to Rogaining in NSW"

"Rogaining News"  email List

As a service to anyone interested in rogaining in NSW,  we invite you to subscribe to our email newsletters.  Subscribers to this  list will receive short emails when:

  1. Entries to an event open
  2. Entries are about to close
  3. Results have been posted to the web site
  4. There are other significant changes to the content of this web site.

The list is open to anyone to subscribe and is private (we don't give out your address).

This is NOT a public discussion list.  Only nominated persons can post messages so you won't get bombarded by unwanted emails.  To have your say on rogaining matters visit the NSWRA Forum.

To subscribe, click the "Subscibe" button below.  After submitting the subscription form you will get an email asking you to confirm your subscription by either replying to the email or by using a web link that is included in the email.  You will then get another email confirming your subscription.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

If you have any difficulty with the "Rogaining News" list, email the webmaster.