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eNewsletter 196 - Saturday 15th February 2025

NSW Rogaining Logo

G'day fellow rogainers,

Welcome back to a flying start for NSW rogaining in 2025. We're excited to bring the latest on upcoming events, plus news of the Annual General Meeting in just over a week, immediately after the Kurnell minigaine.

Kurnell Entries At Capacity

Kurnell Minigaine

This event is so popular we've hit our limit of 400 participants 10 days early and had to close entries. Its popularity is very encouraging although apologies to anyone who has left it too late to enter.

The limit on competitors is a condition of our approval to use the Kamay Botany Bay National Park – we often have to comply with usage limits in sensitive National Parks, particularly when they are popular spots close to urban areas.

We’ll always put any participant caps on the event web page and we’ll always stand by them. So the message is – “Enter events early and keep an eye on the Team Lists”.

The good news is that entries in the next metrogaine have just opened. This will be a near-bush experience at Jordan Springs, NE of Penrith on Sunday 30th March. More info below.

Also In This Issue:

NOTICE of Annual General Meeting


NSWRA's 2025 AGM will be held at 12:45pm, Sunday 23rd February following the presentations for the Minigaine at Marton Community Hall, 92-94 Captain Cook Dr, Kurnell NSW 2231.

The business of the AGM will be:

  1. Welcome.
  2. Motion to adopt the 2024 AGM Minutes.
  3. President's Report.
  4. Financial Statements.
  5. Motion: the President’s Report and the Accounts incorporating the 2024 Financial Statements as approved by the Committee and tabled at this meeting be adopted.
  6. Election of Office Bearers and General Committee Members for 2025.

    Note: all positions are declared vacant and nominations will be accepted until 10 minutes before the opening of the meeting. John Clancy, Secretary, is the Returning Officer and is accepting nominations on 0400 943 357,, in person and on the day. All positions are open to nomination beforehand on a Nomination Form or will be warmly welcomed on the day.

  7. General Business: any general business that any member or members wish to be heard.

This is your chance to have your say and, if you are passionate about the management of your organisation, and want to make a difference, then why not nominate for a role on the Committee. We’d love to see a few new faces – especially younger rogainers who’d like to contribute to the future of our sport. But help from anyone who is passionate about rogaining and is willing to pitch in would be appreciated.

At the NSWRA, there is no closed door on the Committee - everyone is welcome.

Chris, Our Webmaster is Retiring

Chris's profile picture

Chris Stevenson, NSW Rogaining's dedicated Webmaster and IT Coordinator, has decided to hang up his webhooks and step down from the role after the Metrogaine.

Chris has put in over 10 years of volunteering to the organisation as a committee member, Webmaster, and IT Coordinator. He's been the mainstay of our web and social media face as well as managing our backend IT infrastructure and keeping all the web demons at bay. Over his 10 years in the job, he has built an amazing content rich and entertaining 1000-page website. His skill, genius, and quirky sense of humour has kept the website fresh and replete with current content. We'll miss Chris's quirky posts, innovative dynamic event pages, and practical advice. Thanks Chris, you've changed this organisation for the better, and your footprints on our culture will endure.

So... we're now on the lookout for a keen rogainer who has the right skill set and the time to dedicate to this important task. We don't expect you to stay for 10 years, but we do need someone who can put in the time and effort we need to maintain the high standard of our website and all that drives it.

If you're interested in this position or getting more information, please send an email to me at or to the Volunteer Coordinator, Robin Cameron at

Chris montage

2025 Australasian Champs, Snowy Mts, 15-16th March

Australasian Champs

Early bird entries close TOMORROW for the 2025 Australasian Championships -- the 'Murrumbidgee Wayfaring' rogaine, hosted by the ACT Rogaining Association. The ACTRA have 24 hours of fun organised for you and your friends, and although a 'championship' event, it is open to all levels of ability. NSW is leading the sign-ups so far.

The event is approximately 3 hours 15 minutes from Canberra and 5 hours 30 minutes from Sydney. The Hash House is at Cooinbil Hut, Long Plain, and the rogaine is from midday Saturday to Sunday March 15-16 (although how long you stay out is up to you!). Maps released at 9am Sat.

More things you should know:

  • Entries close 11:59pm Sunday 9th March
  • Early-bird entries until 11:59pm Sunday 16th February
  • There will be NO late entries accepted after entries close on 9th March
  • Full entry fees: Early bird $150, Regular, $165 (after 16th Feb)
  • Concession entry fees: Early bird $120, Regular, $135 (after 16th Feb)
  • An event bus leaves Canberra 2pm Friday, returns Sunday, cost $50
  • A carpooling service is also available on the website
  • T-shirts can be ordered ($30), technical fabric, bright blue, event logo
  • There is a partner finder service on the website.

Enter Here

Julie with T-shirt

The course is being set by champion rogainers David Baldwin and Julie Quinn (wearing the event T-shirt), with help from other ACT rogainers. They want you to experience the open plains and high country bush of northern Kosciuszko National Park. Situated at the northern end of Long Plain around the headwaters of the Murrumbidgee River, this area features long tracts of unburnt tall forest with grassy plains. Expect lots of variety in this course, from limestone sinkholes to boulders with good views, a few fire trails and single tracks together with loads of untracked areas. The setters will lure you on a rogaine in an area that is a bit different, and you'll see it all.

Above all, you should expect a course that rewards careful navigation and will encourage you to get off the few fire trails.

For more info and to enter, visit the Event Website.

Australasian Champs

Jordan Springs (Penrith) 6-hr Metrogaine, Sun 30th March

Jordan Springs

Missed out on Kurnell? Not to worry, the Metrogaine entries have just opened.

Ivan Koudashev writes:

This year’s metrogaine will feature Wianamatta Regional Park, as well as many other local parkland/bushland areas.

Wianamatta Regional Park is a former Defence Industries site that protects what remains of the Cumberland Plain Woodland. Once widespread throughout the Sydney Basin, only 6% remains. It is listed as an Endangered Ecological Community under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.

The course setters encountered countless kangaroos, kookaburras, galahs, black cockatoos, pelicans, swans, and kingfishers, as well as many other bird species and snakes. The area might also harbour emus and echidnas.

The western part of the course is relatively elevated and you will be able to catch some great views of the lower blue mountains.

The majority of the controls will be set in parks, walkways and bushland. Don’t expect any long distance off-track bashes or long distances following bearings, but still bring your compass.

This is our first time in this area so it could be well worth a visit.

Enter Here

Keep an eye on the Metrogaine page on the website for the latest info.

Event related queries can be directed to:

Jordan Springs

Coffs Harbour 6/12-hour Autumngaine Sat 26th April


Please don't slip on this opportunity! The setters, Keelan Birch and Mark Hurry, insist this will be a very a-peeling experience for all.

Located at Bucca in the Coffs Harbour hinterland, the area is easily reached by freeway from both Sydney and Brisbane, and the course is also only 30 minutes from Coffs Harbour. Free camping will be available on the Friday and Saturday nights.

This rogaine will be a 'State of Origin' battle between NSW and QLD. Both the 6 and 12-hour events commence at 11am on the Saturday. Costs will be:

Adult: $70, Concession: $50, and Child under 14: free.

Enter Here

Keelan and Mark are keen to point out that a rogaine has never been held here before. Highlights include lovely rainforest lined creek lines, waterfalls, old mining relics, and lookouts. The forest contains a mix of dry blackbutt, tallowood, flooded gum, brush box and some old NSW Forestry plantations so it is likely to become part of the new Great Koala National Park. Most of the area has previously been logged by Forestry, resulting in some lantana and other spikey plants, but these have been avoided as much as possible when setting the course.

In the spirit of true rogaining, almost all of the controls have been set off-track.

There will be an All Night Cafe set up at a lookout, approximately halfway through the course.

To find the most up to date info, visit the Autumngaine page on the website.

Event related queries can be directed to:


Paddy Pallin 6-hour at Belanglo, Sun 15th June


Rick Cavicchioli writes:

Belangoloopy! The 6hr Paddy Pallin Rogaine is your chance to go loopy! Held entirely in native forest in Belanglo State Forest, you can expect to challenge yourself to big loops and big points with grand canyon views and steep climbs, or pamper yourself and team-mates with little loops enjoying time-honoured wandering through sandstone country with spectacular flora and fauna.

Positioned about half-way between Sydney and Canberra a short distance off the Hume Hwy, the event will foster NSW/ACT rogainer-rivalry at its best.

At an elevation of around 700m, the cool forest air can be enjoyed from the moment you arrive at the Three Trees Hash House to the time you depart.

Plan your weekend accordingly as Belanglo provides unique opportunities for picking mushrooms in the pine forest, spending an additional night with the frogs at Dalys Campground, or sampling artisan fine food and wine from one of the nearby wineries.

Finally, we should thank our long term friends and sponsors, Paddy Pallin, for supporting this event.

Watch the Paddy Pallin event page on the website for the most up to date info.

Event related queries can be directed to:


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2025 Rogaining Calendar (updated)

Event Date Changes

We don’t like changing the date of events unless there is a very good reason .. and there is this time.

The NSW Championships are going to be held at Mt Werong, high in the Blue Mountains. Our experienced setting and vetting team have advised that the originally planned date of 9/10th August may encounter bad weather including the possibility of snow (it’s happened before at events in this area). As it’s a 24-hour event, it’s considered that swapping the event date with the Lake Macquarie Rogaine (scheduled for the following month) is a safe and prudent option. The new event dates are as follows:

  • Lake Macquarie Rogaine 9th August 2025
  • NSW Championships 13/14th September 2025

The calendar on the website has been updated and a new ‘fridge-friendly’ printable calendar (pdf) is now available here. Put these dates in your diary, but remember to check the website as there may be further changes.




Setting Team

At Capacity

Sun 23/02/2025

3-hour team/solo
Kurnell & Kamay NP

Mat Collin

Entries Open


Snowy Mountains

David Baldwin
Julie Quinn

ACTRA Navigation Workshop




Entries Open

Sun 30/03/2025

Jordan Springs
(NE of Penrith)

Ivan Koudashev

Autumngaine 'State of Origin' (NSW vs QLD)
Entries Open

Sat 26/04/2025 - NOTE Anzac Day Long Weekend

Coffs Harbour

Keelan Birch
Mark Hurry

Paddy Pallin
Paddy Pallin logo

Sun 15/06/2025


Michael Watts
Rick Cavicchioli
Tassia Kolesnikow


Sat 26/07/2025

3-hour Team & Solo,
5-hour Team

Stephen McKay

Lake Macquarie Rogaine
New Date!

Sat 9/08/2025

6/12-hour, Watagans, Mt Sugarloaf

Anita Bickle
Bert van Netten

Festival of Rogaining incl. NSW Champs
New Date!


6-hour, 15-in-24-hour,
Mt Werong

Tristan White
Mike Hotchkis

Spring Rogaine - NSW/ACT Interstate Challenge

Sat 18/10/2025

6/12-hour, between Sydney & Canberra



Sun 2/11/2025


Peter Hopper
Sharon Lambert

Volunteer Opportunities


There are still lots of opportunities for you to help with delivering our events this year, including filling some key positions. For instance, we still need a team to run the Spring Rogaine in October.

Please drop an email to Robin, our Volunteer Coordinator - or register to help in any event here.

(NSWRA celebrates its volunteers. Support our events and earn free entry! Volunteers earn points. 100 points earns entry to a subsequent event. There is a volunteer rewards points table where you can monitor your progress toward a free entry voucher. For more info see the Volunteer Rewards Policy.)

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