G'day Rogainers,
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Scheyville NP 3hr Minigane – Results now Online!
The 3hr Minigaine was held on Sunday 8th April in Scheyville National Park and certainly was a contrast to the traditional street minigaines in previous years, with some careful navigation required in the midst of much fast-paced walking and running. It was an unseasonably warm day and we congratulate all competitors for matching their efforts to the conditions.
Special shout out to overall and individual winner Andrew Hill who managed to collect the lot of checkpoints, but failed to achieve the total score of 2130 due to receiving a 20 point late penalty. Andrew Smith and Toni Bachvarova won the teams division with 1660 points.
Thanks to David Williams and Ronnie Taib and their willing team of volunteers for putting on a unique event.
Navigation & Skills Workshop Wrap-up
We were overwhelmed at the number of participants at our recent navigation workshop on April 14-15 who escaped a stifling hot weekend to much cooler conditions out in Rydal.
Our webmaster Chris Stevenson has written an entertaining article about his experiences around Rydal which you can access here... – make sure check out Gertrude the sheep! Meela has crafted her learnings on a page.
Art courtesy of Meela Davis
Thank you to event organizer Gill Fowler for initiating this fantastic weekend, and her merry team of coaches and volunteers for sharing their years of expertise. We are eager to see these newly acquired navigation skills put to practice on a Rogaine course!
Wingello Wingaine 6/12h – 12 May – Entries Now Open!
The first day and night rogaine for 2018 will be held on Saturday 12 May in Wingello State Forest and Morton National Park in the Southern Highlands area. Long time rogainer Mike Hotchkis will transform this well known as a mountain biking hotspot and fantastic bushland area into a navigation wonderland for all to explore on foot. Camping is available in the forest so why not take the family down on Friday night and make a weekend of it?
Beyond the pine forest there's lots of nice native bushland and some lovely open rainforest creeks. The ridges lead out to spots with fine views of deep gorges..
More info and registration here.
ARC 2018 – 25-26th August – Earlybird entries extended!
Event organizer, Paul Guard has announced that the Australasian Rogaining Championships to be held in South East Queensland have had the earlybird registration extended till the end of April as an opportunity to encourage more people to escape the winter and head north for the event. Wouldn’t it be good to have a good NSWRA turnout and maybe even get some category wins for the state?
Warwick Marsden Award to Mark von Huben
In an extremely brief presentation prior to the Minigaine, President Trev acknowledged the fantastic effort of Mark von Huben as our Equipment Officer for the last five years. Mark is one of those no-fuss, effective people who just get in there and do things. He helps with every rogaine, unseen by most.
He also depends on his family (Amy and Carl) and we thank them for their support.
This award is inspired by the life of Warwick Marsden, and the importance of volunteerism to our sport. Warwick was an early proponent of NSW rogaining - remembered fondly for his humanity, humility and humour.
Read more about Warwick Marsden and the award named after him here...
NSWRA Committee 2018
The NSWRA Annual General Meeting was held at the conclusion of the minigaine to elect office bearers for the coming year. These include:
- President/Events Manager: Trevor Gollan
- Vice President/ARA Representative: Gill Folwer
- Treasurer: Mike Hotchkis
- Equipment Officer: Mark von Huben
- Webmaster: Chris Stevenson
- Publicity Officer: Tristan White
- Safety Officer: Michael Watts
- Volunteer Coordinator: Graham Field
- Public Officer: Andrew Duerden
- General Member: Richard Sage
David Stanley has decided to step down as Secretary after four years of distinguished service to NSWRA. Given that his tenure is longer than that of Australia’s past five prime ministers, it is certainly worth giving him credit for his efforts. As his post remains vacant, we are still heralding a willing volunteer to fill his role – please contact Gill at vicepresident@nswrogaining.org.
Speaking of volunteering...
Call for 
Our sport relies on volunteers to run and keep bringing you great rogaines. Volunteering to help run a rogaine is the next best thing to rogaining itself (or arguably better, given that the latter can only be done with the former)! – it’s personally rewarding and a great way to meet fellow rogainers and pool your collective skills. Volunteers for key roles are rewarded with free entry to future events.
There are plenty of opportunities (i.e. vacancies) to help at events this year. Check out the online volunteer register on the website to find one and sign up! You won’t regret it.
If you need more information about volunteering, drop an email to the Volunteer Coordinator, Graham Field.
Event Calendar
The updated list of 2018 events can be found here...
Tristan White
Publicity Officer
NSW Rogaining Association
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