NSW Rogaining Association

"Your Guide to Rogaining in NSW"

G'day Rogainers,

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Karst Irony Autumngaine (6/12h) 20th May – Entries close Monday at midnight here...

This year the Autumngaine 12/6-hour is in the Southern Highlands at Bungonia Caves. Our course-setter, Ian Cross says, “This course is defined by the limestone geology, deep river valleys and canyons. It takes advantage of the mostly scrub-free areas and highlights the scenic nature of the National Park. The checkpoints are set to provide a challenge for all levels of ability and fitness. There will be a large number of checkpoints available and routes can be planned to match skill and fitness level. It will be rewarding and fun for all!”

A comfortable Hash House site is available for campers but there are space constraints that will force us to limit 12 hour entries to 150 people. There won't be any limit on 6 hour participants and everyone can help by limiting the number of vehicles you bring to the site.

Did you know that Bungonia is part of NSW rogaining history? The first occasion where NSW held the Australian Rogaining Championships was at Bungonia village in Sep-1984, a mere 33 years ago. In the vicinity since then we’ve run the NSW Champs in Oct-2001 and the 12-hour Autumngaine in May-2013. No doubt there’s a handful of rogainers who have participated in all of those events.

Paddy Pallin 6 hr 18th June Entries open Tuesday May 16

We are really excited to announce that this year’s Paddy Pallin Rogaine will be held at “Arthursleigh”, a farm that is owned by The University of Sydney. “Arthursleigh” is located at Big Hill, 29 km North of Marulan in the Southern Highlands. The commercial property is predominantly sheep grazing.

The course features extensive farmland, stunning open bush land and extended river pools. There is a vast variety of fences, but, many of the paddocks are large enough to contain several controls, and, both the bush tracts and the river frontage are essentially fence free. The land form switches between granite outcrops and metamorphic spur-gully which should entertain all navigators.

Australian Champs 2017 – Results now available here...

Last weekend entailed the ACTRA-hosted, NSW-based Australian “Ridgy Didge” Rogaining Championships on Black Ridge near Cooma in cold but thankfully completely dry weather. NSWRA members consisted of a large portion of the 153 teams that fronted up to the event, and placed 2nd to ACTRA in the inter-state points tally. Placegetters include:

  • Mike Hotchkis & Tristan White – 3rd in Open Men (4th overall)
  • Andrew Smith & Toni Bachvarova – 2nd in Mixed Veterans; 3rd in Mixed Open (7th overall)
  • Gill Fowler & Jess Baker – 1st in Open Women (8th overall)
  • Andy Macqueen & Greg King – 1st in Men’s Supervet, 2nd in Men’s Veterans
  • Ivan Koudashev & Elena Koudasheva – 1st in Mixed Under 23
  • Rochelle Duerden, Morgen Ely & Issy Allan – 2nd in Women’s Under 23 (Note: Rochelle’s two teammates were rogaining novices!)
  • John Anderson & Ted Woodley – 3rd in Men’s Ultra Veterans
  • Nihal Danis & Sue Clarke – 2nd in Super Veteran Women

Women’s Winners Gill & Jess show off their new aprons. Are these our new All Night Cafe coordinators?

Congrats also to ACTRA’s Julie Quinn and David Baldwin for stealing the show and taking out the overall win at a 10% margin from 2nd place!

All the brave souls who took up the challenge with me would agree that it was a great, albeit very hilly and challenging, event, so a shout out to Ron Simpson and Jeannie Douglass for the countless hours spent setting it, the event volunteers, and the catering teams both at the Hash House and All Night Cafe.

Our webmaster Chris has written yet another brilliant summary of the event highlighting the course and NSWRA competitors. Check it out here!

Speaking of volunteers…

Call for Volunteers

No Volunteers = No Rogaines. It’s pretty simple.

Volunteering is a great way to ensure the continual running of quality NSWRA events. If you think you can spare a few hours before, during or after an event please see the volunteers calendar and if you’d like to put your hand up, or know more about roles, please get in touch with Graham.

“My fellow rogainers: ask not what your rogaining association can do for you – ask what you can do for your rogaining association.”
- Graham Field, NSWRA Volunteer Coordinator

Help Rebrand NSWRA

With nearly 4,000 rogainers on our mailing list, we know there are some brilliant graphic designers, artists and advertisers out there who love rogaining.

Our logo has been around for a few years and we reckon it's time for something new. Here’s a sample of what we do now:

Please create a new logo for NSW Rogaining that we can use on promotional material, on maps, even on the mugs for winning teams at our events. There's some minor restrictions:

  • 185mm wide x 57mm high (for mugs)
  • Maximum of 4 colours (excluding white)
  • No copyright issues

Get creative, make it funny, clever, quirky, and send your designs to: logo@nswrogaining.org by our deadline of 5pm Monday 17th July, 2017. Judging will take place at the Committee meeting the following evening. We’d like to announce the new design at the Lake Macquarie Rogaine on August 5th, with the winner receiving TWO free entries to a rogaine in the next 12 months - you can shout your team mate.

Event Calendar

Our events calendar can be found here...

Tristan White

Publicity Officer

NSW Rogaining Association


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