Event Coordination
The Event Coordinator has the key role in the running of a rogaine. They will carry out or oversee the following tasks ...
- Prepare an event budget.
- Manage all voluntary work for the event.
- Prepare the "Final Instructions"
- Provide information to competitors before, during and after the event.
- Provide material for the event web page and eNewsletter.
- In conjunction with the Safety Officer, prepare a safety plan. Information about preparing a risk assesment and safety plan is available on the Safety page.
Financial Administration Requirements
For each event, the financial requirements that need to be met are :-
- Preparation of an event budget.
- Oversight of the work of the Event Administration contractor and the online entry system.
- Recording and banking receipts (ie income). This is the duty of the Event Administration contractor.
- Requisition of cheques to pay expenses.
The following guidelines are to assist you in these processes.
Event Budget
Download a copy of the Event Budget Calculator.
Each event budget has four main components :-
- an estimate of the number of entries,
- an estimate of the costs to provide for each entry,
- an estimate of the fixed costs associated with running the event, and
- derived from the above, an entry fee.
An estimate of the entry numbers should be based on historical data available to the Association. The ratio of full to concession entries will be in the order of 3:1.
The costs to provide for each entry are costs like food, maps and access fees which are determined on a per head basis. The fixed costs are the costs associated with things like course setting where they will be incurred irrespective of the number of event entries.
Using the projected number of entries, entry costs, and fixed costs, a full entry fee can then be determined. The concession fee should be set to about 2/3 to 3/4 of this figure. The budget process will only allow for entries and arranged (bus) transport. Other costs like accommodation and T-Shirts are assumed to be self funding.
The Event Budget Calculator is structured to allow the entry fee to be calculated, and therefore the underlying structure should not be modified. However add extra cost components if necessary.
The guidelines are supplied as an indication of what costs may be incurred, based on historical information. The budget column (i.e., the shaded section) is the area that needs to be completed, and totals A, B, and C need to be determined. From these, the full and concession entry fees can be calculated.
The current definition of a Concession, together with our Refund Policy is on display in the "About Events/Entry Fees" section of this web site.
When you have your budget drawn up, send a copy to the treasurer for approval.
Requisition of Cheques to Pay Expenses
To maintain the Associations financial integrity, and help build up the Associations database, for each event expense cheque that is required, please complete a copy of the Claim Form available in the Forms section. Where possible, please consolidate all payments to the same person on the one form.
In support of budgeted expenditure, an advance may be made available. In such cases, a cheque requisition form should be maintained to show where the advance has been utilised.
Entry Form and Online Entries
Entries for each event should open as soon as possible after the previous event.
Presently, online entry is organised through an external provider, Register Now. The Event Administration Contractor is the key point of contact with Register Now. The contractor will set up the online entries for your event. She will need information from you about the entry fees and any special fields required on the entry form. Please keep in mind that it can take a few days to get the entry page up and running, so allow plenty of time for this.
Please note that we no longer have late fees. The "Closing Date" should be set to no later than six days before the event. The entry form directs people to the "About Events/Entry Fees" section of this web site for definitions of Concession and the Refund Policy. In the interests of introducing some consistency into our organisation, please conform to these definitions.
Information Package
An "Information Package" (Final Instructions) has to be prepared and posted on the web site no less than six days before every event.
The components of this package are ...
- "How to get there", "Timetable", "What to bring", etc This information will vary for each event. A good starting point is to go to the Event Archives and find the Information Package for a similar previous event.
- Information on NavLight from the "Using NavLight" page.
- Any special information relating to the event such as the "Brief History of the Paddy Pallin Event".
- The Disclaimer/Waiver form
- The Rules of Rogaining
Send the source document to the Webmaster. If you have the resources, you could also convert any sections in text format to PDF then compile a complete document using Acrobat or equivalent. Either way, note that the source is required for the archives.
Documents & Templates
The following resources will be useful:
- Rules of Rogaining. (pdf) This is copied from the ARA web site.
- Using NavLight (pdf) (.odt)
- A Brief History of the Paddy Pallin Event (pdf) (.doc) (.odt)
- Previous event documents
- Rogaine logo: (jpeg) (tif) (pdf)
- NSWRA logo: (jpeg) (pdf)
- Letter head
- Entry Form - (.doc) (.odt)
- Water policy
Standard Forms including indemnity form, rules and membership application are also available.
Volunteers and community resources
Determine how many other volunteers your event will require and when they are needed. The Volunteer Coordinator can help you determine how many volunteers you need, and find people for the jobs. Typical volunteer numbers vary depending on the type of event.
You may be able to use local organisations, e.g. the local bush fire brigade, Red Cross or Rotary group, to fill some volunteer roles.
The Bush Walkers Wilderness Rescue Squad (BWRS) "http://www.bwrs.org.au/" will provide a very useful service at all bush events.
Sometimes St Johns Ambulance is hired to provide first aid at events.