G'day Rogainers,
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“Bondi to Bar” Metrogaine, 25 February 2018 – Entries now Open!
What more iconic place to compete in an event in Sydney than around one of the most famous beaches in the world? Steve Ryan is setting what will no doubt will be a memorable course around Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs of Coogee, Bondi, Vaucluse and others.
Like all metrogaines, it will appeal to marathon runners, families with strollers and everyone in between, promising to include plenty of places to swim, buy ice creams and have a jolly day out.
So mark the date, pack your swimsuit (oh, yes, and running clothes…) and come along on Sunday, February 25th to view the beaches, parks and paths from a completely new perspective!
Navigation & Skills Workshop – 14-15th April – Entries Open Feb 26th
Do you have a goal to enter your first bush rogaine in 2018? Build confidence navigating at night? Brush up on your compass and map reading skills?
If you answered “yes,” you are in luck this year. We will be holding a navigation and rogaine skills workshop on 14-15 April, at Rydal, NSW, near Lithgow (though you can come up for just the Sunday if you wish) and will be hosted by a team of experienced rogainers led by Gill Fowler.
We have many experienced rogainers that have offered up their time to share their experiences and tips with you. I think most see it as a great excuse for a weekend outdoors!
Based at Rydal Showground for camping and amenities, we will run several small group navigation exercises, workshops and a mini rogaine.
Keep an eye on the website over the next month for more details; participant numbers will be limited.
NSWRA Strategic Action Plan – A new direction for rogaining!
“The first duty of our committee is to serve its members, many of whom have been forgotten, but they are not forgotten any more. With every decision and every action, we are now putting Rogaining first”
Tristan J. White – NSWRA Publicity Officer
You may have participated in our strategic vision survey that was making the rounds at the end of the year – to those that took that time, we greatly appreciate it. We were overwhelmed with much of the praise that we received, though there were several degrees of change that were suggested.
And as anyone who has tried to get to an off-track control 1.5km away would know, a few degrees can have a huge bearing on whether one is successful, and therefore we are developing a plan to respond to your suggestions, which will be released following our next committee meeting in a couple of weeks
ARC 2018, 25th-26th August
The 2018 Australasian Rogaining Championships are going to be hosted by Queensland Rogaining Association, inviting us to the Gympie Region, 2½ hours NW of Brisbane to square off for titles of Australasian Rogaining Champions (in all the standard categories). Note that ARC is not just for elite rogainers – anyone can enter and enjoy the experience.
Paul Guard, the event director, says, “We’ve decided to name the event the ‘Sun SEQer Rogaine’ – to encourage those of you from more southerly latitudes to escape the misery of your rainy winters and come on north to join us in the sunshine!”
The Intervarsity Champs will be held in conjunction to this, so please get in touch with us if you have pulled together a team of friends that attend your university that you would like to compete with.
President’s Message
Welcome to another rogaining year. We have eight events scheduled, one more than 2017 due to Gill’s inclusion of the training weekend in April, and it’s very pleasing to have an owner and location for each event. Of course they all need helpers.
There is a secret ninth rogaine this year, to be held next Saturday 3rd February on the Colo River. Chris Stevenson is setting a microgaine, we’re providing a picnic / BBQ, and entry is free, but it’s restricted to people who volunteered to support NSW rogaining in 2017.
If you helped last year and haven’t received an invitation, please get in touch with Graham, our Volunteer Co-ordinator, volunteer@nswrogaining.org
See you soon … hope there’s a moon Trevor Gollan, president@nswrogaining.org
Call for Volunteers
As a volunteer-run organization, all of the events we have run have happened due to the hard work of people who, on top of their work, family commitments, study, have given up two hours, ten hours, 4 days or more to be part of making a rogaine happen. It’s been years since we’ve had to call off an event due to lack of those willing to help, and we want to keep it that way.
But it will only stay that way if we get another group of willing hands on the deck to help set, vet, flag hang and assist organising our 2018 events, and therefore ask you to look at the Volunteers Table and see what you are able to commit to.
In case Rob and Marg Cook were wondering what happened to their hats after the Socialgaine
Several of our distinguished committee members have announced that they will be scaling things back this year after dedicated service to the association. We are therefore looking for skilled, passionate and willing recruits to join the overall administrative committee following our next AGM, “coincidentally” held in the same place on the same day as our Minigaine on April 8th.If you would like to contribute in this way, please have a word with Trev.
Calendar of Events
The calendar of events can be found here...
Tristan White
Publicity Officer
NSW Rogaining Association
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