G'day Rogainers,
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6h Metrogaine – Saturday, February 25th February - Entries close Monday 20th Feb at midnight
The LaneCoveRivergaine ed. 3 will be held in a matter of days so if you have not yet signed up, get onto it soon, as entries close on Monday 20th Feb! If the previous two LCRgaines are anything to go by, this event will no doubt be another great tour of an iconic part of metropolitan Sydney, bounded by Stringybark Creek, Fig Tree Bridge and Sydney Harbour.
The Hash House (start & finish) will be at Blackman Park, Lane Cove West. Maps will be available at 8am with a mass start at 10am.
ARC 2017
A number of NSWRA members ventured across the Tasman Sea to Waikaia, NZ for the 2017 Australasian Rogaining Championships last weekend. The area consisted of hilly farmland, scrub (that was to be avoided!), alpine tussocks and some beech forest. A 1:40000 map, 20m contours and some good 500m+ climbs (or descents) depending which route you planned. Of course a few fences to cross, on a large sheep/deer/cattle station but not nearly as many as the World Champs in NZ in 2010.
Shout out to:
- Gill Fowler with Julie Quinn and David Baldwin (ACTRA), 1st XO, 2nd overall (pictured above)
- Toni Bachvarova and Andrew Smith, XO5, XV3
- Mike Hotchkis and Walter Kelemen (QRA), MO9, MV4, MSV2
- Graham Field and Martin Dearnley, MO13, MV7, MSV4 (pictured below)
- Nihal Danis and Sue Clarke (QRA), WO7, WV6, WSV2

For full results see here...
ACT Paddy Pallin – March 5th - Entries Now Open!
ACTRA’s first bush event is the 6 hour Paddy Pallin Rogaine, scheduled for the Sunday following our Metrogaine. Held in the Orroral Valley, one hour south of Canberra, this event will have fast flat open country on the valley floor, surrounded by some steeper hills giving plenty of choice and challenges.
Back to the Archives – Rogaining in the 1980s – March 5th
Our valiant webmaster Chris has recently been collecting all previous NSWRA newsletters, and thanks to the efforts of some veteran members, he has successfully obtained copies of all 100+ editions for all to read. (Still a few more to be scanned and uploaded.) The first NSWRA newsletter was mailed (courtesy of Australia Post, not email!) out in 1984. Bob Hawke was Prime Minister, the dollar coin had just been introduced, and the Olympic games were held in Los Angeles. So those interested in the history of our association, check out this link to browse this letter, plus any of the ones in between.
Viewing these letters re-emphasises that rogaining is a long-term sport, not just in the duration of its events, but in the number of years its members return again and again (shout out to Bert van Netten, Ian Dempsey and Robyn & Peter Tuft who are in the first committee!)
For a taste of what it was like back then, the following competition was printed in a 1987 newsletter, the winner of which was awarded a free ticket to the subsequent ARC:
Call for Volunteers
A great thank you to all the people who have responded to a recent call for volunteers, for we have now got most bases covered for our next two events. However, we always will need more people to do small things around the Hash House on the event day, and of course at the remaining 5 events this year.
Volunteering is a great way to ensure the continual running of quality NSWRA events. If you think you can spare a few hours before, during or after an event please see the volunteers calendar and if you’d like to put your hand up, or know more about roles, please get in touch with Graham.
Calendar of Events 2017
Our events for 2017 can be found here...
Collect the ACTRA/NSWRA event calendar magnet at our next event!
Tristan White
Publicity Officer
NSW Rogaining Association
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