G'day Rogainers,
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Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2017! We hope all NSWRA members have had a relaxing (in some description of the word) Christmas and New Year and are ready for another great year of rogaines this coming year!
Thank you to the flurry of members who have replied to our volunteer coordinator Graham’s request to offer their assistance at our events this year – your assistance is greatly appreciated! We will still need more hands throughout the year.
It has been many years since an event has been cancelled due to lack of helpers and we would love to keep it that way, though this is the reality if more people do not offer their time. If you have not done so already, please check the Volunteers Table, and then go to the online Volunteer Registration form to be part of the reason NSWRA continues to offer great events!
6h Metrogaine – Saturday, February 25th February - “Enter your team”
For the 4th consecutive year, Ted Woodley takes the reins for the annual Metrogaine. He started with the 2014 Hornsbygaine, before launching his Trilogy. In 2015 we started from the source of the Lane Cove River in Pennant Hills and travelled south to De Burghs Bridge at West Pymble. In 2016 we continued the journey down the river from De Burghs Bridge to Stringybark Creek in Lane Cove. And in 2017 we complete the journey from Stringybark Creek to Fig Tree Bridge and Sydney Harbour in the LaneCoveRivergaine ed. 3!
The Hash House (start & finish) will be at Blackman Park, Lane Cove West. Maps will be available at 8 am with a mass start at 10 am.
ARC 2017 – 12-13th February – Final Call for Entrants!
Entries are still open (closing 31st January) for the Australasian Rogaining Championships to be held in Waikaia, NZ (near Queenstown) in a matter of weeks. If you feel like making a last minute trip overseas, here’s your chance to do it and explore some new countryside in the process!
Calendar of Events 2017
Our events for 2017 can be found here...
Collect the ACTRA/NSWRA event calendar magnet at our next event!
Tristan White
Publicity Officer
NSW Rogaining Association
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