NSW Rogaining Association

"Your Guide to Rogaining in NSW"

Mapping in OCAD

OCAD is a program designed specifically for drawing orienteering maps.  It has been used for producing many maps for NSWRA rogaines.

The NSWRA has two licensed copies of the "Orienteering Standard Edition",  OCAD 8 and  OCAD 10.   Each of these requires a computer running Windows XP or later. For access to these programs please contact the Webmaster.

OCAD uses its own proprietary vector data format.  It offers a number of ways to create your map in this format

  1. The draft map is scanned and displayed as a template in the background on the screen.   The map is then drawn over that template.
  2. Import an existing map in DXF or AI (Adobe Illustrator) format.  DXF does not support bezier curves so data in this format results in polyline curves.  OCAD will convert polylines to bezier curves.
  3. OCAD 10 will import DEM data in certain formats.
