NSWRA Partner Finding Service

NSW LaneCoveRiverGaine IV - 6hr Sun 3rd April 2022

On this page you can see who is looking for a partner, contact them directly by email (or phone) and also add yourself to the list of people looking for a partner. Once you have found a partner, please use the "Delete your entry" link to remove your entry (you will be asked for the email address that you used when you created the entry, as verification).

Here are the people looking for partners:

1. Laura , 30, F. Competitiveness is 5/10. Ph: 0467888300. Message: "". [Email me].[Delete your entry].

2. Tim Doyle, 41, M. Competitiveness is 5/10. Ph: 0482909233. Message: "". [Email me].[Delete your entry].

3. Charissa Patacsil, 42, F. Competitiveness is 5/10. Ph: 0434672273. Message: "". [Email me].[Delete your entry].

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