Get Into Gear Part 2 – A Hot Topic: Hydration & Dealing with the Heat

If you think this is hot

I have a theory that for every person, there is about a 20 degree Celsius range in which most people can comfortably participate in vigorous outdoor activities. I have known many a cold-blooded species who will happily go running and cycling in near 40°C temperatures, but wear a jacket if it drops below 25°C. And […]

A Tale of The Deceptive Lands

The Story Behind the Australasian Rogaining Championships 2020, May 9-10  “30 Years Ago; The Story begins…” writes SA Rogaining Association’s Chief Conspirator Jenny Casanova, “…on a dark, rainy, windswept night in 1989, the young girl trudged up the road in the glow of torchlight after 14 hours in the wilderness, lagging behind her companion who […]

Get Into Gear – What do you carry in a Rogaine? Part 1 – Summary

Whether it is the clothes you wear, the food you eat or the torch you carry, knowing the best gear to take with you on a rogaine is absolutely fundamental. It has been a long time since any NSW publication has discussed the best gear to carry on a rogaine, so this year I have […]

Course-setting Workshops

On the 3rd January I suggested on Facebook that, depending on interest in our rogaining community, we could run some training for course setters What a pleasing response!  30-odd expressions of interest Consequently we have scheduled a workshop on 8-Feb, with a focus on making maps and the associated computer apps.  This first workshop will […]

Making Rogaining Professional – A History of the Navlight Scoring System

By Tristan White 29-Nov-2019 Those who partook in their first rogaine within the past decade will most likely only know the electronic scoring system known as “Navlight,” used at all NSW (and most other Australian) rogaines. In addition to simplicity of registering or “punching” a tag at the checkpoint and bringing up the results within […]

Paddlegaine 2019, Coordinators Report from Geoff Peel

THE GENESIS While researching the 2017 world orienteering day, Margaret stumbled across a South African based paddle orienteering event and thought – “we can do that”. The seed was planted but it needed a lot of effort to finally germinate. THE EVOLUTION Initially slated as a Newcastle Orienteering event for 20 people or so, we […]

2019 NSW Championships in Review – The Step Up Rogaine

Thoughts and reports on the NSW Champs, 20-21 September 2019 Yengo National Park is a large (150,000 hectare) tract of land in the north-eastern section of the world-heritage Greater Blue Mountains Area. It doesn’t get many visitors, much of it is declared wilderness, and it’s only 100km from the Sydney CBD. It’s classic Sydney-sandstone country; […]

Rogaining Partners – Who needs them!

Posted by Chris Stevenson on 3/10/2001 This article originally written by Sue Clarke, from Newsletter 30, September 1991 Why are rogaines run in pairs? The easy answer is, of course, for safety. However, there is considerable scientific evidence to show that safety is not the major reason for the great attachment that most rogainers have for […]

Egadz! – I’ve become a sports administrator

This article is taken from Newsletter 34, July 1992, written by Warwick Marsden Ian McKenzie’s two articles in our March newsletter (on selection of teams for the World Champs and whether there should be a change to the convention whereby only the 24 hour event is given championship status) and Michael Burton’s follow up in […]

“Sugarloaf Spectacular” Metrogaine

Posted by Chris Stevenson on 20/02/2010 G’day rogainers, From Richard’s report I see he and his team turned on another very successful event.   Tell us here about your experience at this rogaine and any suggestions that may make for better future rogaines.    If you took any photos and would like to add them to […]