A big thank you from an injured competitor

Posted on 4/05/2015 by Dominique Pitot A big thankyou Yesterday, while participating in the Dharug Dreamtime 6 hour Autumn Rogaine, I slipped and banged my head against a rock. Team 58 were nearby and rushed to my assistance. I would like to thank Tom, Floret and Jeff Meredith for the amazing help they gave in […]

Posted on 8/08/2015 by Chris Stevenson The rules of rogaining are pretty explicit: R7. Navigational Aids (a) The only navigational aids that may be carried on the course are magnetic compasses, watches and copies of the competition map. (b) The possession of other navigational aids, including pedometers, altimeters and GPS receivers on the course is […]
Lane Cove River – 21 Years Later

Posted on 28/02/2016 by Chris Stevenson My wife, Dianne, and I competed in the Lane Cover river 6 hour event in 1995 and yesterday I fronted up for another go. What has changed? My wife, now with 2 children and dodgy knees, is not really up for a 6 hr rogaine, so I had a […]
My Blind Date with Danny

Posted on 23/05/2016 by Chris Stevenson The Autumngaine at Tarlo river found me partnerless, so I tried our partner finding service. I first tried hooking up with Mal. Mal subsequently jilted me, preferring instead to recover from the flu, which he contracted after agreeing to partner, so I went back to the partner finding services […]
Snogaine – 7th August
Posted on 24/06/2016 by Andy Simpson After a bit of arm twisting by some ACT rogainers the NSW Ski-orienteering event at Perisher on 7th August will include a 2 hour “Snogaine”, mass start at noon. More details at: http://www.bigfootorienteers.com/drupal_2/skio2016 Hope to see some of you there.
NavShield 2016 – Crappy Maps and Big Country

Posted on 10/07/2016 by Chris Stevenson I have been rogaining more than 20 years, but I have never tried a NavShield until now. Julian, my regular rogaining partner suggested we “have a go” at this year’s event. For those of you who are not familiar with the NavShield its purpose is to train emergency services […]
Mike Hotchkis Reaches Checkpoint 200

Posted on 27/09/2019 by Tristan White Recent committee meetings have included discussion about ways to reward repeat offenders at rogaines, perhaps a token such as a headband after they go to their 5th rogaine. But what about those that just keep coming back until they reach their 200th event? This is something we have also […]
Elevated to a new level of competition, but with a degree of indirection…

Posted on 31/07/2016 by Chris, for Tristan White World Rogaining Championships, July 23-24, 2016, East McDonnell Ranges, Alice Springs, NT Team 211 (Male Youth): Tristan White & Mitchell Lindbeck Score: 2420/6190 Result: 3rd in MY, 47/299 overall Few people would have guessed that when my adventurous neighbour (Martin Dearnley) brought up the concept of us entering this event […]
25 Year Legends – The Organisers of the Lake Macquarie Rogaine
This is an expanded version of the tribute I gave at the 6-hour presentation of the 25th Lake Macquarie Rogaine on behalf of President, Gill Fowler, to recognize the extraordinary contribution made by two rogaine stalwarts – Bert Van Netten and Bob Gilbert. It was in September 1992 that Bert gained support from Lake Macquarie […]
The importance of a good first aid kit

[Due to a server failure in Aug-2019 we have restored this historic post] Posted on 2/09/2016 by Catherine Wood Ok so story goes……. We had a really good start and were tracking well. It got dark and we were tracking directly from 41 to 34 up a creek bed. No rocks had been slippery or […]