
What a great event was the Woronora Pipe Dreams Rogaine. Excellent map, fine conditions and some refined control placement. Today, comparing the 1:20,000 map with the 1:25,000 Socialgaine map of the same area from 2013 shows a huge amount of additional detail to help the night-time navigator. Congratulations and thanks to course setters Nicole and […]
My wrap of the “Woronora Pipe Dream” event.

I greatly enjoyed last night’s rogaine and thanks to everyone involved in making it happen. I have done over 90 NSW rogaines and this one certainly rates in my top 5. A number of factors contributed to this enjoyment: The course was really good, there were a lot of bush controls. It certainly was a […]
Get Into Gear Part 6 – Shedding Light on Headtorches and Night Navigation

I am grateful that I’ve had the chance to go on several night rogaines with seasoned competitors in earlier years. In addition to allowing me to do night rogaines comfortably on my own accord, it has given me the confidence to do night-time hiking, trail running, orienteering and cycling; something that many of my friends […]
Get Into Gear Part 5 – How Cool is Rogaining? (Warm Clothing & Dealing with the Cold)

Perhaps it’s because I’m a reasonably warm-blooded creature myself, but I’m convinced that Sydney-siders are a bunch of cold-weather whingers. As soon as the temperature drops below 18°C, it’s inevitable that I’ll be hearing groans from others about how freezing it is outside as people walk exactly fifty metres between their air conditioned car and […]
Navigation in Low-Relief Terrain

Sections of Gundabooka National Park are flat so I thought it timely, prior to this year’s NSW Championships, to prepare some thoughts about navigation in such country. The map we’re using is a custom prepared map at 1:25,000 scale with 5m contour intervals. (The base map is 1:100,000, 20m contours.) It is not unusual in […]
A University Degree in Rogaining?

A 24-hour rogaine looks a lot like a semester of university. The pace at the beginning is fast, but it doesn’t take long for motivation to drop off and slogging away becomes a test of willpower. And just like the final hours of an assignment, or final minutes of an exam, the adrenaline kicks in […]
Get Into Gear Part 4 – The Rogaining Fashion Parade (Base Clothing)

A rogaine is just about the antithesis to a conventional fashion show. Indeed, if one was looking for an event where they could find the least fashionable looking human beings, a 24-hour rogaine would undoubtedly be a forerunner. But the truth is that rogaining has a fashion of its own. Most rogainers are not intentionally […]
Wonder Compass

Buy the new compass.While stocks last. Post added 2020 NSW Rogaining has teamed up with to create a revolutionary new “wonder” compass. A traditional compass, in the hands of a skilled operator, will tell you which way to go. This new compass will not only tell you which way to go, but also the direction from […]
Are you a serious rogainer?

Are you a Serious Rogainer? Gill Fowler and Jess Baker Dave Baldwin and Julie Quinn David Williams and Ronnie Taib Joel Mackay and Mike Hotchkis
Nobel Nyctophobia

Julian Ledger – 6 July 2019 So swiftly the sun sets in the sky You rise up and say goodbye to no one Fools rush in where angels fear to tread Jokerman Dance to the nightingale tune Bird fly high by the light of the moon Jokerman Sometimes my burden is more than I can […]