2022 ACT Championships and the one that got away

One of the benefits of being a rogainer in New South Wales is that there are a choice of rogaines put on not only by the local Association but also those organised by the ACT Rogaining organisation. As Canberra is surrounded by New South Wales these rogaines nearly all happen in our state – a […]
My Wrap of the Cherry Pye-gaine

A Great Location I really like Cherrybrook as a location for a short or city based event. The suburb is literally surrounded by bushy creeks with Pye Creek to the north and Berowra Creek to the east and south. There is a nice bush plateau area NE out to Refuge Rock (Control 71) and the […]
Missing Maps

Missing Maps We are trying to complete our archives. In particular we want to get a complete inventory of maps used in NSW rogaines since the first rogaine in 1983. We have made pretty good progress with approximately 170 maps already on file. We are missing the maps below. If you can help by scanning […]
Map memory

What is Map Memory? Map memory, as defined for use in rogaining and orienteering, is the ability to look at a map and commit the relevant portion of the map to memory, it is said that this is useful for finding the next control without having to continually refer to the physical map. This is […]
James McArthur – The Untold Story of Naming Kosciuszko

By John Anderson Well known NSW rogainer, John Anderson, has written and self-published a book about James Macarthur and his role in the bringing about the first ascent of Mt Kosciuszko. It sheds new light on Strzelecki’s climb to make it to the summit. I learnt from the book review that John has climbed Hannels […]
Paddy Pallin Rogainers by Age (Fighting in the middle ages)

In my previous post “Rogainers are Getting Older” I looked at the average age of rogainers and the fact that, on average, rogainers are getting older. This led to a number of questions like: If we have relatively more older rogainers which age groups are not coming? If we have a decline in some age […]
Rogainers are Getting Older

I had a chance meeting today with a rogainer who has recently turned 75, but is still a fine athlete. He (I’ll give that much away) still has the audacity to beat me from time to time. He was asking when we are going to have an over 75 category in our rogaines. I am […]
My Wrap of the 58th Paddy Pallin Rogaine

The 58th Paddy Pallin Rogaine was a lot of fun and it wasn’t just me who enjoyed it, everyone seemed to have a pretty good time. It was probably the most fun I have had since Trevor Gollan’s 2017 Karst Irony Autumngaine in Bungonia. So what makes an event fun and shouldn’t all events be […]
What we can do better part 1- Post Event

This is the first of a series of posts asking the question “What can we do better?”. In order to keep the discussion brief and to the point I will be breaking the discussion up into a number of posts: Post-event Pre-event Course Setting and Mapping Catering During an event What can we do better […]
Navigating Deceptive Lands in South Australia
I had heard how good rogaines were in South Australia but despite doing events in other States and Territories I had never made it to one in SA. The 2021 Australian Championships on the last weekend of May did not disappoint. Highlights included: • The mallee country 3 hours north from Adelaide • Huge map […]