Newsletter Highlights

Issue 64  -  June 1997

President's Ponderings

A big thank you to outgoing President Pete W for filling the role for the past two years. He retires in order to, as they say, spend more time with his family. Peter's election to President two years ago having been followed by his wife Lynn producing a bouncing baby daughter requiring heaps of fatherly attention. Thanks also go to John Keats who has left the committee after 10 years service which included a long stint as a dedicated Treasurer plus conceiving, manufacturing and subsequently storing the great NSWRA trailer - a magnificent machine much loved by all who have driven her. The new home of the trailer is to be Peter Wherry's house in Gymea Bay. We most also acknowledge the excellent work of Trevor Gollan who as past newsletter editor, event coordinator, Rogaine guru and friend has done more than anyone - he takes over my previous role of publicity and the Committee keeps the benefit of all his experience. He is also busy setting the Paddy Pallin 6 hour event this year with mates Geoff and Steve.

Other outgoing Committee persons whose efforts should not go unrecognised are Marnie Holmes (one half of the Netta & Marnie winning combo) who has been our secretary but has now, only temporarily we hope, had her life taken over by IBM who expect her to fly all over the place at little notice. The Committee looks forward to your future return to the Rogaining fold Marnie. Also thanks to David Sigley one of our sport's quiet achievers who has often helped out in event admin and the hash house.

Thanks to all those of you who attended the Annual General Meeting held immediately after the NSW Champs. It was at the Hash House at Mount Werong on top of the Great Divide. The AGM was cleverly scheduled and the good attendance was due to most of the crowd being too stiff to move away! The new Committee (see list elsewhere in this newsletter) has great talent of course and I hope we will do a good job in the coming year. There was a period over Christmas - the traditional non Rogaining season where we lost sight of the next control a bit and were unable to run the Upside down event due to a lapse in organising all the people necessary to run it and also in communication with members. Now is an opportunity for rebuilding our numbers with some great forthcoming events. If you have any ideas or comments - constructive of course please give me or one of the committee a ring.

I would like to introduce our new Committee members to you (continuing members not included - another time) :-

Simon George - our Vice President, a speedy Rogainer with partner Jo, coordinator of the 1996 Socialgaine at St Albans and a some-time member of Big Foot Orienteers.

Nihal Danis - Co administrator of the recent Gurnang Gallop with husband Richard who will be her alternate on the committee. Nihal brings to the Assoc some guidance on matters legalistic. Presently believed to be training on the mountains of NZ.

Andrew Wisniewski (Wiz for short) - Another Big Footer and new father too. Coordinator of at least one Upside Down event. Once ran with me the last few very wet kms of a 12 hour event at Nerong where we had some success.

Ken Smith - A member of Sydney Bushwalkers and through them actively involved in the Confederation of Bushwalkers and the Nature Conservation Council he will provide a very useful link to these bodies.

Mike Hotchkis - The man who took part in no less than twelve Rogaines in 1996 getting better all the time and who is the new NSW Champ (see my subsequent comments about the Gurnang Gallop) Not on the new Committee but supporting the Assoc. with some specific tasks are the following:

Transport to Events:  Roland Burford

Trailer Coordinator:  Peter Wherry

Volunteer Coordinator:  Vicki Cooper

Rogaining is still a new sport and most people have never heard of it. Newcomers generally come through word of mouth. Bring along friends, workmates or family members to the Paddy Pallin event which is a good one for novices. Entry form in this newsletter. Entries close Monday June 2nd - don't be late or you will miss out on what is generally our most popular event of the year. See you there or maybe even before at the Metrogaine coming up real soon on Sunday 25 May.

Julian Ledger

Committee Members

President Julian Ledger
Vice President Simon George
Secretary Sue Clarke
Treasurer Tony Maloney
Newsletter Editor Stephen Castle
Calendar Organiser Alan Mansfield
Membership Secretary Graeme Cooper
Publicity Trevor Gollan
Equipment Anne Francis
Committee Andrew Wisniewski
Ken Smith
Nihal Danis
Rowan Wiltshire