Newsletter Highlights

Issue 14 -  August 1987

Annual General Meeting Report

Things are looking up for the N.S.W.R.A. At 7.30 pm on the 1st August a small, but eager, gathering of rogainers congregated at the home of Warwick Marsden in order to take part in one of the most auspicious events on the rogaining calendar. The A.G.M. As well as having a pleasant evening we also had quite a constructive meeting. Everyone present was willing to play a role in the running of the Association. Some people even offered to take over certain offices. In fact there was very little arm twisting necessary. The only person with a sore arm is Bert (our new president). We even created a few new positions so that nobody felt left out! Seriously, though, our club is expanding and obviously new positions are needed. Also, if the administrative duties are spread over more people no one person will feel an undue load. If we are all willing to help in some small way then the club can on improve. If you have any special skills or interest that the club may find useful then please let us know.

New business discussed included:

  1. Public Liability Insurance
  2. 1988 events
  3. Policy regarding re-use of venues.
  4. Policy regarding how many hours of night should be included in events shorter than 12 hours.

New Office Bearers

PRESIDENT: Bert van Netten

VIC PRESIDENT: Greg Harrigan

SECRETARY: Peter Wherry



PUBLICITY OFFICER: Dianne van Netten

CATERING CONSULTANTS: Terry Collins and Wendy Davies


From the new President

And now a few words from our president. Who me? Oh yes, that's right. Yesterday, I was just an ordinary pleb., Today, I am president. This rise to power is overwhelming.

I feel a little daunted by the prospect of filling the shoes of our previous president, Ian Dempsey. Ian has played a large part in establishing the N.S.W.R.A. At this point I would also like to say that Dianne's efforts as secretary, treasurer and newsletter editor have not gone unrecognised.

The Australian Championship 24 hour event is only a few weeks away. If you still intend entering then would you send your entry as soon as possible. We need to know numbers in order to facilitate ordering of maps and food. Also, maybe you know a novice who might like to enter the 8 hour event. The Victorian Rogaining Association has made an outstanding effort in organising a bus full of rogainers who will offer us some good competition. There will also be some top competition from Western Australia. So, get your running shoes on and let's show the other states what N.S.W. rogainers are made of.

 See you soon,
