From the new President
And now a few words from our president. Who me? Oh yes, that's right. Yesterday, I was just
an ordinary pleb., Today, I am president. This rise to power is overwhelming.
I feel a little daunted by the prospect of filling the shoes of our previous president,
Ian Dempsey. Ian has played a large part in establishing the N.S.W.R.A. At this point I would also like to say
that Dianne's efforts as secretary, treasurer and newsletter editor have not gone unrecognised.
The Australian Championship 24 hour event is only a few weeks away. If you still intend entering
then would you send your entry as soon as possible. We need to know numbers in order to facilitate
ordering of maps and food. Also, maybe you know a novice who might like to enter the 8 hour
event. The Victorian Rogaining Association has made an outstanding effort in organising a bus full
of rogainers who will offer us some good competition. There will also be some top competition from
Western Australia. So, get your running shoes on and let's show the other states what
N.S.W. rogainers are made of.
See you soon,