of the New South Wales Rogaining Association
The 2008 AGM of the New South Wales Rogaining Association Incorporated will be held at approximately 4.00pm on Sunday 24th February at the Hash House after the Metrogaine on that day.
- Adoption of the Minutes of the 2007 AGM
- President’s report – Mike Hotchkis
- Treasurer’s report – Tony Maloney
- Adoption of the reports including the 2007 financial statements
- Special Resolution to amend the NSW Rogaining Association’s Rules (the NSWRA constitution). See below.
- Election of Office Bearers / Committee members
- General business
All committee positions are up for election and nominations are now open – details of each role and the nomination form can be found
Special Resolution
A special resolution has been proposed by Mike Hotchkis (NSWRA President) and seconded by Alexa McAuley (NSWRA Secretary), to be put to a vote at the AGM. It has been endorsed by the NSWRA Committee at its meeting on 5th February 2008.
The text of the special resolution can be found here .
The resolution refers to the current Rules of the NSW Rogaining Association which can be found
Proxy forms can be found
Brief explanation of the proposed changes in the special resolution
The main purpose is to update certain parts of our Rules to bring them into line with the current way we manage the Association. Also, the modifications provide greater flexibility in the way we administer our membership.
The new membership clause allows people to join in one of two ways: (i) through completion of an entry form for a NSWRA rogaine or (ii) through application sent to the membership secretary (for people who wish to maintain their connection with NSWRA while not attending events). This is in fact similar to recent practice. The new clause on fee structure allows different fee payments for the two methods of joining.
If the resolution is passed, it is the intention of the committee to set the membership fee charged when joining by way of event entry to $0. This measure will greatly simplify our event administration system and reduce the burden on the volunteers who administer our events. Membership costs will be absorbed into event entry fees. In practice, the great majority the association’s income is sourced from event entry fees anyway.
In addition to membership and fee options, the amendments address the following:
1) Number of committee members – bring the Rules into line with our current practice.
2) Deletion of reference to a Fund-raising Committee, which has not existed for many years.
3) Allow the use of email and internet for official communications to members.
As previously, the wording of our Rules remain closely aligned with that of the Model Rules issued by the Dept. of Fair Trading.
Mike Hotchkis
NSWRA President