you have a report, photographs or other material relating to this or another past event that you would like to
have published on this web site, write to the webmaster.
He will give advice on where and how to send it.
2005 Lake Macquarie Picture Gallery
Click on a picture to get an
enlarged view, then click your "Back" button to return.
In most cases peoples names are on the photo. If one is missing or
wrong please write to the webmaster

Women - 1st |

Women - 2nd |

Women - 3rd |

6hr Men 1st-Joel & Gavin |

6hr Mixed -Geoff & Caireen |

6hr Open 2nd
Super Veteran men 1st |

6hr women 1st
Margaret Bouttell & Karin Hefftner |

Men 1st |

Men 2nd |

Men - 3rd |

Mixed - 1st |

Mixed 2nd |

Mixed - 3rd |

Open - 2nd |

Open - 3rd |

Super veteran men - 1st |

Veteran men - 1st |

Veteran men - 3rd |

Veteran mixed - 1st |

Veteran mixed - 2nd |

Veteran women - 1st |