Photos from setting the 2011 Autumn rogaine

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Views (122kb) In case you are feeling a bit dirty out on the course... (106kb) Pleasand rolling hills. (97kb)
Views! (131kb) Nice soft understory - just in case you trip (we have thought of everything). (192kb) More views. (101kb)
Local cicada-type thing. (68kb) Flowers. (158kb) A great creek - see following... (152kb)
You *have* to walk up here... (157kb) One of many pools. (139kb) Cool, clear... (175kb)
and perfect for a dip while setting! (135kb) Local - hopefully won't be out for the event. (197kb) Possible all-night cafe spot. (120kb)
Can you see the flag on top of there? (95kb) Local (130kb) More views. (101kb)
Rolling hills... (110kb) ...and the odd grass seed... (154kb) Good spot for a checkpoint... (110kb)
Curious locals. (109kb) More wildlife. (86kb) Nice spot for an energy bar stop. (137kb)
Local flora. (56kb) Another local. (127kb) And if you run out of energy bars... (118kb)
View. (92kb) When i looked one way, it was these guys... (113kb) ...and the other way, it was these guys! (120kb)